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Why is there white stuff on the bottom of my tongue ring?

Why is there white stuff on the bottom of my tongue ring?

The white ring on your tongue is normal too. That is lymph fluid from your tongue piercing trying to create a scab on your tongue. However because of your mouth being moist area, your tongue piercing cannot “crust” like other piercings and create “crusties”.

Do tongue piercings ever fully heal?

A tongue piercing officially takes between six and eight weeks to completely heal. However, your individual healing process depends entirely on how you care for your new piercing.

Will my tongue piercing close after 3 years?

Not long. The tongue is a quickly healing muscle. Your piercing will probably start to close within a few hours. I’ve had mine for over 20 years and the most I can leave it out is 2 days before the bar becomes tight to put back in.

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What happens if I take my tongue piercing out?

Removing the stud too soon can increase your risk of tears and infections. The hole may also close up if you remove the jewelry too soon. Once the time comes to remove the jewelry used for the piercing, it’s best to see your piercer.

How do you tell if a tongue ring is infected?

Redness or swelling that extends beyond the piercing site may be a sign of infection….Other early signs of infection include:

  1. uncomfortable swelling.
  2. persistent warmth.
  3. severe pain.
  4. excessive bleeding.
  5. pus or yellow discharge.
  6. bump at the front or back of the piercing.
  7. fever.

Is it normal for white discharge to come out of tongue piercing?

A small amount of bleeding is normal, but consistent bleeding may signal a problem. After a few days, the wound may also ooze a whitish or clear fluid. When the swelling decreases, replace the jewelry with a shorter piece of jewelry. Leaving longer jewelry in place increases irritation and may damage the teeth.

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What does alcohol do to a tongue piercing?

Can You Drink Alcohol After a Tongue Piercing? While alcohol does disinfect, it can also kill skin cells, which slows the healing process and causes swelling, itching, and infection. Avoid alcoholic drinks as well as anything strongly acidic, like vinegar.

How fast will a tongue piercing close up?

It’s safe to remove your piercing during this phase, but keep in mind that tongue piercings close very fast. People who’ve had their piercing in for years reported it closing up in a matter of days. For others, it can be about a week or two.

How long will my tongue be swollen after a tongue piercing?

You tongue will swell for about 8 to 10 days after the initial piercing; the amount of swelling will depend on how far back the piercing is placed (the further back the piercing, the more swelling).

Can you smoke after getting a tongue piercing?

You should NOT SMOKE after a tongue piercing just like you should smoke after a tooth extraction; the “sucking” motion can dislodge the scab and cause scarring and improper/uneven healing. It is a good two weeks of healing that could also be your best chance at quitting, use it wisely!

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How long should I wait to play after tongue piercing?

There will be plenty of time to play after it’s healed. The swelling should subside after a couple weeks, at which time these activities can be renewed. After piercing, your tongue generally takes from three to four weeks to fully heal.

Will my tongue fall off if I smoke?

Your tongue will not fall off if you smoke, but you may be in for a longer recovery time. Smoking does a few things. It can dry your mouth → less saliva. Essentially, you can smoke, but do so at your own risk and take preventative action.