
Why life is so hard sometimes?

Why life is so hard sometimes?

Life will always seem hard when we hinge our happiness on the others. Whether that’s a spouse or a friend or someone else, happiness is not sourced from other people, it comes from within. Or on their overall happiness. Even worse, when that person makes your life more difficult, it’s hard to keep your sanity.

When life gets hard don’t wish it to be easier decide to be stronger?

Decide to be stronger.”

What’s the best age in life?

If people could live forever in good health at a particular age, it would be 50, according to a 2013 Harris Poll. Gender and geography play a role: In the poll, men said the perfect age is 47, and women 53. In the Midwest, the perfect age is 50. In the East, it’s 53 and the West it’s 47.

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How to make life harder?

Saying ‘Yes’ or ‘Maybe’ when we should say ‘No’. Most of us are people pleasers.

  • Making too many decisions. Your alarm goes off and you lie there debating whether to get up now or hit snooze. You decide to get up.
  • Not testing assumptions. You assume you know how someone is going to respond to a request,so you don’t ask.
  • Self-sabotage. You’re trying to create the habit of waking at 5.30am every morning…but you continue to watch TV on the couch until midnight.
  • Being friends with the wrong people. Some people specialise in passive-aggressive digs that slowly erode your self-worth.
  • Letting your kids do too much stuff. Somewhere along the way,we decided if our kids displayed an interest in something,then we were honour-bound to let them have
  • Not getting household help. If you love spending your weekend hours scrubbing the grout in your bathrooms,mowing the lawn or doing little maintenance jobs around the house,then,…
  • Multi-tasking. Many of us pride ourselves on being able to do several things at once but it’s been proven quite conclusively that multi-tasking is making our lives harder.
  • Taking on too much information. Before we book the Bali hotel we first read all 200 of its Trip Advisor reviews.
  • Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Despite knowing perfection is impossible to achieve,we shoot for it anyway.
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    What makes life difficult?

    ‘Life Is Difficult’. What makes life difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is a painful one. Problems, depending upon their nature, evoke in us frustration of grief or sadness or loneliness or guilt or regret or anger or fear or anxiety or anguish or despair. These are uncomfortable feelings, often very uncomfortable,…

    When life is hard quote?

    “The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days,waiting for better ones ahead.” – Marjorie Pay Hinckley

  • “It doesn’t matter how slow you go,as long as you don’t stop.” – Confucius
  • “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. As long as you are still alive,there will be problems and challenges waiting for you.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-kPITVP1A8