
Why most of the medicines are colloidal in nature?

Why most of the medicines are colloidal in nature?

Medicines are more effective in colloidal state because colloids have a larger surface area. Thus, they get easily assimilated, absorbed and digested.

Why are colloidal solutions used in medicines?

Why colloidal solutions are used in medicines? Actually colloidal fluids contains particles in suspensions and these particles are osmotically active substances which have very high molecular weight thus they draw the fluids into the intravascular spaces and increase it’s volume.

What does colloidal nature mean?

In simple terms, we can define colloids as a mixture where one of the substances is split into very minute particles which are dispersed throughout a second substance. The minute particles are known as colloidal particles. Colloids are heterogeneous in nature.

Why are medicines more effective in colloidal state or what is difference between an emulsion and a gel?

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Ans. Medicines are more effective in colloidal state because they has large surface area. They get easily assimilated adsorbed. A colloidal solution in which both dispersed phase and dispersion medium are liquid is called an emulsion.

Why alum is added to water containing suspended impurities?

All the colloidal particles have similar charges, so they repel each other and are unable to combine to form larger particles. Hence, alum is added to water containing suspended impurities to coagulate the suspended particles.

Why are solutions used in medicines?

Medical solutions are important for treating dehydration and for cleaning and treating wounds. One class of medical solutions is known as saline solutions. These solutions are composed of water and sodium chloride.

What is meant by a colloidal solution?

Colloidal solutions, or colloidal suspensions, are nothing but a mixture in which the substances are regularly suspended in a fluid. A colloid is a very tiny and small material that is spread out uniformly all through another substance. However, a colloidal solution usually refers to a liquid concoction.

What is the nature of colloidal solution?

(i) Heterogeneous nature: Colloidal sols are heterogeneousin nature. They consists of two phases; the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium. (ii) Stable nature: The colloidal solutions are quite stable. Their particles are in a state of motion and do not settle down at the bottom of the container.

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Are colloids stable in nature?

Stability: Colloids are relatively stable in nature. The particles of the dispersed phase are in a state of continuous motion and remain suspended in the solution.

What is the difference between emulsion and gel?

Gel and emulsion are two different chemical substances. The key difference between gel and emulsion is that a gel is a semisolid substance, whereas an emulsion is a liquid.

Which one is a colloid?

A colloid is a mixture in which one substance consisting of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance.

Why do we add alum to purify water?

Answer: We add alum to purify water as alum coagulates the colloidal impurities present in water, so that these impurities get settle down and remove by decantation or filtration. . Thus, water gets purified by adding alum to water.

Why are medicines given in colloidal form?

Medicines are more effective in their colloidal form. Large surface area of Colloids enhance their absorption in the body and therefore increases the effectiveness of medicines given in colloidal form. Was this answer helpful?

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What are some examples of colloidal in nature?

Large numbers of food articles which we use in our daily life are colloidal in nature. For example, milk, butter and ice creams are colloidal in nature. Most of the medicines are colloidal in nature. Colloidal calcium and gold are administered by injections to raise the vitality of human system.

Can colloidal silver be used as a medicine?

Colloidal silver products are sometimes sold as homeopathic remedies. For more information on homeopathy, see nccih.nih.gov/health/homeopathy. Topical silver (used on the skin) has some appropriate medical uses, such as in bandages and dressings to treat burns, skin wounds, or skin infections.

What are the advantages of colloidal systems over synthesizing colloidal particles?

Synthesizing colloidal particles also take a lot of energy but, its relatively more feasible. You have better control over the parameters with colloidal systems. Lastly, studies with colloidal systems have been here since the last 60–70 years. Nanotechnology is relatively a kid and hence a lot of medicines are developed with that technology.