
Why NASA spews out half a million gallons of water during rocket launches?

Why NASA spews out half a million gallons of water during rocket launches?

NASA will use almost half a million gallons of water to keep the Space Launch System (SLS) safe and stable enough to launch successfully. The system that delivers all that water is called the Ignition Overpressure Protection and Sound Suppression (IOP/SS) water deluge system, and seeing it in action is very impressive.

What does an astronaut do after liftoff?

Eight and a half total minutes after liftoff, the main engines stop and immediately you go from the being squashed by the gorilla to being weightless. Astronauts practice for launch frequently during training.

Why does fire come out of a rocket?

In rocket flight, forces become balanced and unbalanced all the time. A rocket on the launch pad is balanced. The surface of the pad pushes the rocket up while gravity tries to pull it down. As the engines are ignited, the thrust from the rocket unbalances the forces, and the rocket travels upward.

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What is the smoke that comes out of a rocket?

(All that swirling white “smoke” before a launch is actually the cold liquid oxygen venting out and condensing water vapor in the air1.) And you need to continuously top off any oxygen that does escape before launch.

Why do rockets not fly straight up?

Rockets have to tilt to the side as they travel into the sky in order to reach orbit, or a circular path of motion around the Earth. This steering technique is known as a gravity turn, which uses Earth’s gravity to help conserve rocket fuel and minimize stress and strain on the spacecraft.

How do astronauts safely exit a space launch pad?

“In Mode One, astronauts can evacuate unaided, using slide wire baskets from the 195-foot level of the launch pad, down to the ground, and jump into armored personnel carriers to exit the launch area quickly. If the situation evolves up to Mode Four, the pad rescue team would remove the crewmembers.

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What happened to the SpaceX Crew Dragon after launch?

Around 10 minutes after lift-off, the rocket separated into the first of two stages, with its booster landing smoothly on a drone ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Minutes later, the Crew Dragon separated from its second stage. They are now in orbit and hurtling at around 17,000mph all the way to the ISS.

Where does the smoke from a Space Shuttle launch come from?

When you view a Space Shuttle launch on television, the white smoke filling the air is really steam from those millions of gallons of water evaporating. The actual exhaust smoke from the solid rocket motors goes out the other end of the launch pad through the Flame Deflector System.

What did Tom Hurley say before the SpaceX launch?

“Let’s light this candle,” Mr Hurley said, seconds before lift-off, borrowing the words used by Alan Shepard on America’s first human space flight in 1961. In the nail-biting minutes leading up to the landmark event, launch teams said there was a 70 per cent chance of good weather – meaning it was all systems go.