
Why Ravana had 10 heads Meaning?

Why Ravana had 10 heads Meaning?

According to another legend, the 10 heads of Ravana represent ten negative emotions, a human life owns- ego or ahankara; attachment or moha; regret or paschyataap; anger or krodha; hatred or ghrina; fear or bhaya; jealousy or irshya; greed or lobha; lust or kama and inertia/insensitivity or jaddata.

Is it possible to have 10 heads?

All we can know are present day humans and animals and he was neither. Ravan had just one head, but he alone had the intelligence of 10 people. Also, ravana was called 10 headed because he had the knowledge of 6 kshatras and 4 vedas which are the 10 supreme books of knowledge that’s why he was depicted as 10 headed .

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Who gave Ravana the boon of ten heads?

Lord Brahma
In order to get the God’s attention, he chopped off nine of his heads as offerings. Just as he was about to sacrifice his tenth and last head, Lord Brahma appeared and stopped him. Pleased with his severe penance, he offered Ravan a boon, in response to which Ravan asked for immoratality.

What are 10 faces of Ravana?

Ravana is described as having 10 heads and 20 arms. His ten heads, as per mythology, represent his 10 qualities which are Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Moha (delusion), Lobha (greed), Mada (pride), Maatsyasya (envy), Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (will) and Ahamkara ( the ego).

Is Ravana a scientist?

Ravana was the greatest Genetic Engineer of all the times. The man has always strived for perfection in this science. From the time immemorial differnet people / rishis / man of science have tried to master this science of life.

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Why does Ravana have 10 heads?

He was the king of rakshasas and is depicted with 10 heads and 20 arms, which lent him the name “Dasamukha”. But Why Ten Heads? Ravana’s 10 heads symbolise the six Shastras and four Vedas, making him a great scholar and the most intelligent person of his time.

Why was Ravana also called as dasamukha (10 faced)?

Hence Raavan was also called as Dasamukha (10 faced) or Dasakantha (10 throated) or Dasagriva (10 headed). The Mythological analysts interpret his ten heads as the emotional states Ravana had got.

How many times did Ravana cut off his head?

During his penance, Ravana chopped off his head 10 times as a sacrifice to appease Brahma. Each time he sliced his head off, a new head arose, thus enabling him to continue his penance. At last, Brahma, pleased with his austerity, appeared after Ravana’s 10th decapitation and offered him a boon.

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How did Ravana get the name ‘Ravana’?

Due to these ten heads, he got the names ‘Dashagriva’, ‘Dashakantha’, ‘Dahsaanana’. As he was a descandant of Pulastya Brahma, he was also called as ‘Paulastya’. The name Ravana is given by Lord Shiva when he tried to uplift the mount Kailasa.