
Why research papers are get rejected from the journals?

Why research papers are get rejected from the journals?

The reasons for a paper being rejected once it has been reviewed fall mainly into two categories: (1) problems with the research; and (2) problems with the writing/presentation of the paper. A paper may be rejected because of problems with the research on which it is based.

How do you respond to a journal rejection?

“Thanks for your review and comments. They are quite valuable, and I shall go through them for greater understanding, for this and future manuscripts. Thanks also for the opportunity to submit to your journal, and hoping there will opportunities in the future, along with a greater chance of acceptance.”

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How do you respond to a rejection letter from a journal?

How do you respond to a journal acceptance?

You can write to the editor thanking him for considering your paper for publication. In the same letter, add a word of thanks for the reviewers as well, for their valuable comments on your paper. It is indeed a thoughtful gesture on your part, and I’m sure the editor and peer reviewers will appreciate it.

How do you write a response to decision letter for a journal submission?

Put your answer after each individual comment. Refer to text where changes have been made. Don’t refer to page numbers, but use line numbers or cite the start of the sentence in the particular section. Clearly explain any suggestions you disagree with and why (and give evidence to show this).

Is it normal to get a paper rejected from a journal?

Getting a paper rejected isn’t unusual. However, you need to understand why the journal editor didn’t send it out to peer review in order to decide how to proceed from there. The dreaded email: “I regret to inform you that it will not be possible to consider your manuscript for publication.” Rejection is part of every academic’s life.

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How to decide on a strategy after a rejection?

To decide on a strategy, it’s important to understand the reasons behind a rejection. When you get a peer review report, it’s usually easy to extract the criticism on your paper and plan your next steps accordingly.

What happens if the journal editor doesn’t understand your data?

If the journal editor isn’t able to understand your figures (within a rather short amount of time), they are likely to reject your paper. The visual presentation of your data is already important to overcome the first hurdle in the publication process.

How to write a well-written journal paper?

Most journal nowadays require you to tell a story in your paper. If you don’t know how to do that, check out the blog post I wrote on storytelling in papers. A well-written paper should also be concise and have a consistent structure (luckily, this is easy if you use the storytelling framework described in the blog post above).