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Why volume is not conserved?

Why volume is not conserved?

Originally Answered: Why is volume not conserved when mixed water and organic solvents such as isopropanol and methanol? Because volume is not an intrinsic property of a compound or molecule, but a consequence of the molecules bumping together. What is conserved when you mix things is the number of molecules.

Is volume conserved when you mix alcohol and water?

The Law of Conservation of Mass dictates that the mass is conserved, but is there a Law of Conservation of Volume? No, if you mix 250 mL of water with 250 mL of ethyl alcohol, only about 480 mL of solution results.

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Is volume conserved during a chemical change?

The Mass Is Conserved Volume Is Not! Chemical Bonding Demonstration Kit shows that adding two identical volumes doesn’t always give twice the volume. Students learn that the concept relates to mass but not to volume or moles.

Is volume always conserved?

No, volume is not conserved.

Can volume be conserved?

How and why is matter conserved?

Atoms can be combined with other atoms to form molecules. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter can change form through physical and chemical changes, but through any of these changes, matter is conserved. The same amount of matter exists before and after the change—none is created or destroyed.

Is volume conserved in a balanced chemical equation?

Why are alcohols better solvents of organic molecules than polar molecules?

In order for a polar molecule to interact with the O-H group, the alcohol molecule has to be positioned in a limited range of positions in space. Nonpolar molecules are better solvated by nonpolar solvents, so the larger the alkyl group, the better the solvent for this case. This means that alcohols are better solvents of organic molecules.

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Why is the excess volume of ethanol and water negative?

I should mention that the excess volume per mole is negative because the volume of ethanol and water mixtures is less than the sum of the individual volumes. Figure 6: Generate Excess Volume Metric and Graph.

Why does ethyl alcohol have less volume than water?

Second, open spaces in the liquid are much less likely because the ethyl alcohol interferes with any temporary open structures that are similar to those of solid water. The 2 different molecules pack closer together than in pure solution, resulting in a reduction of volume.

Why is isopropyl alcohol a better solvent than methanol and ethanol?

Nonpolar molecules are better solvated by nonpolar solvents, so the larger the alkyl group, the better the solvent for this case. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bYVdp-… This means that alcohols are better solvents of organic molecules. The isopropyl group is large and nonpolar, so isopropyl alcohol is less polar than methanol and ethanol.