Why was it a sin that Eve ate the apple?

Why was it a sin that Eve ate the apple?

Adam in return eats the fruit because he doesn’t believe that he could take living without her. After consuming the apple, Adam and Eve were banished from the sacred garden and sent to the outside world. They had committed a sin against God, by not only disobeying his commandment but by wanting to be gods themselves.

How does an apple represent sin?

The notion of the apple as a symbol of sin is reflected in artistic renderings of the fall from Eden. When held in Adam’s hand, the apple symbolises sin. But, when Christ is portrayed holding an apple, he represents the Second Adam who brings life. This difference reflects the evolution of the symbol in Christianity.

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Why did students bring teachers apples?

In the United States, early American children gave teachers apples because the “families whose children attended schools were often responsible for housing and feeding frontier teachers,” according to a PBS special, titled “Frontier House, Frontier Life,” and noted in Smithsonian Magazine.

Why did God put the apple tree in the garden of Eden?

So by essentially placing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden and commanding Man to NOT eat from the tree, God was providing Man with the choices of good and evil. Through this Man had the chance to Love God by Obeying Him or rebel against God by Disobeying Him.

Did God say not to eat the apple?

And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.

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Is it a sin to eat an apple?

Eating an apple cant be a sin. Also the almighty god cant be so short tempered to blame Adam and Eve as sinners for eating just an Apple. I have put the similar question, i strongly think the story is simply a metaphor. The apple is nothing but the symbol of selfish desires.

Is it a sin to eat fruit from a tree?

The sin wasn’t in eating the fruit, but in what it represented. It’s interesting to examine the exact text of the commandment: 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

What type of fruit was on the tree in Genesis 3?

Note that the Bible never tells us that the fruit was an apple. We do not know what type of fruit was on this tree, since Genesis 3:24 says that God prevented Adam and Eve from eating again from the tree and also from the Tree of Life. As a result, no one was able to eat of the tree and apparently the tree was destroyed in the flood in Genesis 8-9.

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How did God motivate Eve to eat the fruit?

He knew Eve would know that the fruit would make her wise. He motivated her to investigate the tree. He implied that God did not want her to be His equal. That communicated that the fruit was very important. He caused Eve to think about the benefits of the fruit and to forget about the consequence of disobedience.