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Why was Persepolis written in French?

Why was Persepolis written in French?

I wrote Persepolis in French because I have been living in France for many years. We recorded the voices prior to production for animators to be able to follow actors playing, they needed to perfectly understand the dialogue, which would not have been possible if the film had been in another language.

Why did Marjane Satrapi write Persepolis in French?

Persepolis was not originally written in Farsi, Satrapi’s first language, but in French. She did not write her book for an Iranian audience. Satrapi’s goal was to provide an alternative outlook into Iran for “westerners” who consumed the false and negative media attention given to Iran at that time.

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Is Persepolis only in French?

Persepolis was written in French because author Marjane Satrapi is fluent in French. When she left Iran in her mid-teens, her parents sent her to a…

Is Persepolis in French?

Persepolis is a 2007 adult animated biographical drama film based upon Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel of the same name. It was written and directed by Satrapi in collaboration with Vincent Paronnaud….Persepolis (film)

Languages French English Persian German
Budget $7.3 million
Box office $22.8 million

What is the lesson of Persepolis?

Lesson Summary Throughout Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel, Persepolis, education is an important theme. The main messages are that education is essential for a person to have true freedom, but also that institutionalized education cannot always be trusted.

Why is Persepolis in black and white?

Persepolis utilizes black and white to communicate feeling, emotions, scenes, and situations in the entire story. Iran was in war and many people died there, and the author describes her experience in a story that portrays actions with the help of contrasting colours.

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What languages does Marjane Satrapi speak?

Marjane Satrapi/Languages

Satrapi is married to Mattias Ripa, a Swedish national. They live in Paris. Apart from her native language, Persian, she speaks French, English, Swedish, German, and Italian.

Is Persepolis movie on Netflix?

Watch Persepolis on Netflix Today! NetflixMovies.com.

What language is Persepolis in?


Why is it so important that Marjane get a French education?

Marjane’s parents sent her to Austria because they wanted her to get a good French education. They see education as the only way for Marjane to escape her situation and have a bright future. Marjane can have a fresh start in Europe, and she has the possibility to find a sense of normalcy in her life.

What does black represent in Persepolis?

In Persepolis, the perception has been portrayed by using the contrast between black and white in which the former represents the dark side of life while the latter signifies purity and achievements.

What is the meaning of Persepolis?

“Persepolis” is the Greek name for the capital of Persia. Selling more than 2 million copies worldwide and taught in schools and colleges, the graphic novel is the first of many small books Satrapi has written about her life growing up in Tehran, Iran. Satrapi recalls her childhood, “I read a lot and nothing was forbidden.

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Where is Persepolis located in Iran today?

Persepolis (Old Persian: 𐎱𐎠𐎼𐎿, Pārsa) was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (ca. 550–330 BCE). It is situated 60 km northeast of the city of Shiraz in Fars Province, Iran.

Why was the construction of Persepolis built?

Herzfeld believed that the reasons behind the construction of Persepolis were the need for a majestic atmosphere, a symbol for the empire, and to celebrate special events, especially the Nowruz.

What is Satrapi’s goal in writing Persepolis?

Satrapi’s goal was to provide an alternative outlook into Iran for “westerners” who consumed the false and negative media attention given to Iran at that time. When journalists would ask her why she wrote Persepolis, she would answer, “because you didn’t make good your job!”