
Why was Thor excluded from Civil War?

Why was Thor excluded from Civil War?

Thor was noticeably absent from Civil War both due to his power set and his likely ability to bring his two friends to peace and understanding if he was involved.

What team would Thor have been on in Civil War?

team Iron Man
Thor with such guilt after knowing the Infinity stones and destruction of Earth and Asgard he would have been on team Iron Man to do what’s right in order to save people from the Avengers’ accidental mistakes.

Is there Thor in Captain America: Civil War?

Thor was nowhere to be seen in Captain America: Civil War and that featured just about every Marvel superhero there is including… Ant-man, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Falcon, War Machine, Hawkeye and loads more! Check out Marvel’s upcoming movies here!

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Who was in the right in Captain America Civil War?

The reality is that only Black Widow saw the whole picture. Five years after its release, people still debate which side – Team Cap or Team Iron Man – was right in Captain America: Civil War, but the truth is Black Widow was the only Avenger who was right all along.

Why was Hulk and Thor not in civil war?

Marvel screenwriters have already revealed the true reason behind the duo’s absence from the blockbuster movie. They’re too powerful. “You put those guys in a fight, it’s over quickly,” said Christopher Markus, a screenwriter on Civil War. “It’s like, ‘Well, we have the Hulk on our side.

Where is Thor in Civil War?

Thor was nowhere to be seen in the Marvel Comics’ Civil War nor Captain America: Civil War in the MCU and here is where he was in both instances. In both the movie and comic book version of Marvel’s Civil War, one hero was missing, and it was one of the most powerful in the entire universe. Thor was missing throughout both events.

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Does Captain America Civil War involve the New Warriors?

The New Warriors don’t exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so the events of Captain America: Civil War are seemingly instigated by the collateral damages that have been resulting from the Avengers’ missions.

How is Marvel’s Civil War different from other comics?

Here are 12 ways it differs. In 2006, Marvel Comics kicked off a line-wide event called Civil War. The story was unlike anything Marvel had ever published. Writer Mark Millar ditched the usual earth-shaking villainous schemes in favor of a topical, timely, and far more personal drama.

What happened to Thor in the MCU?

Thor is the most powerful of the Avengers, and putting him on one side or the other would have been uneven without also bringing in Hulk, which the MCU chose not to do. Instead, Thor appeared in a humorous short, showing he was living with a new roommate named Darryl in Australia.