
Why were old sentences so long?

Why were old sentences so long?

A more compact for of writing has taken over. Most books have three to four sentences in a single paragraph. They are quick to emphasize a point and move on. After all, periods are used to offset independent clauses from each other.

Why are Dickens sentences so long?

Dickens’s novels are so long because he was paid by the word. This legend comes from the fact that Dickens committed to his novels’ length in advance, often promising a story in 20 parts, of 32 pages each.

How do you identify a run-on sentence?

If there are two subjects (who or what the sentence is about) or a subject and its pronoun (he, she, it, they etc.) in the same sentence and they are not separated with proper punctuation, then a run-on sentence results.

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Are long sentences good in literature?

In general, the thought about long sentences is that they make the text harder to read. Some authors are skilled enough where the long sentences they’ve written work and are easy to follow. Take a look for yourself at some of the longest sentences in literature and why they work.

What is the longest sentence ever written?

The Guinness Book of Records lists the longest proper sentence as one from William Faulkner’s novel ‘Absalom, Absalom!’ (1,287 words). Some ancient languages, such as Sanskrit and Greek, did not have any punctuation. So all their sentences were long!

What is an example of a run-on sentence?

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly. Example: I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time. There are two complete sentences in the above example: Sentence 1: I love to write papers.

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Why would a writer use long sentences?

Good writing consists of a mixture of short and long sentences. Short sentences have punch and are a great way to emphasize important points. Longer sentences add rhythm to your writing. By using both short and long sentences, you add interest and drama to your writing that keeps your readers’ attention.

How do overly long sentences affect the quality of the writing?

Expect your audience to equate the quality of your writing with​ …. How do overly long sentences affect the quality of the​ writing? They make the writing less effective by overdoing the idea of complex sentences. When creating a list using bullets or​ numbers, __________.

What is the best book on philosophy for beginners?

Best Philosophy Books for Beginners: Introductory and Surveys. Bertrand Russel’s ‘A History of Western Philosophy’ has held a position of reverence since it’s first publication in 1945. Comprehensive, erudite and revealing; this is a history written by one who would go on to become a regarded philosopher in his own right.

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Why read Bertrand Russel’s ‘a history of Western philosophy’?

Bertrand Russel’s ‘A History of Western Philosophy’ has held a position of reverence since it’s first publication in 1945. Comprehensive, erudite and revealing; this is a history written by one who would go on to become a regarded philosopher in his own right.

Why should you read philosophy books?

Reading the best philosophy books gives us the opportunity to look into those hidden depths and understand our own thinking and behavior at a deeper level, helping us eliminate behavior we don’t like. Philosophy draws indiscriminately from all fields knowledge, in a never ending questioning.

What are the classical books on philosophy?

Classical Books on Philosophy. The Dialogues (Gorgias, Meno, Theatetus, Sophist, Symposium, Phaedrus, Timaeus, The Republic) – Plato. “Plato, the greatest philosopher of ancient Greece, was born in Athens in 428 or 427 B.C.E. to an aristocratic family. He studied under Socrates, who appears as a character in many of his dialogues.