
Why were the punishers family killed?

Why were the punishers family killed?

In the comics, Frank’s family is killed after he returns from his fourth tour with the Marine Corps. He’s running a recruitment office in New York as a way for the Marines to keep him away from a trial involving his friend from basic training.

Who actually killed Frank Castle’s family?

The Punisher brutally murders William Rawlins Eventually, they discovered that Operation Cerberus was organized by William Rawlins who ordered to kill both Castle and Lieberman. Rawlins and Billy Russo confronted Castle personally, however, Russo betrayed Rawlins, allowing Castle to murder him.

Is the Punisher immune to pain?

Fact: the Punisher has an unnatural ability to endure pain, suffering and getting shot in the head. While we’re not talking Luke Cage durability, Frank Castle gets beaten within an inch of his life on the regular and always bounces back with in a way that can only be called super.

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How did Agent Orange lose his eye?

Unaware that Castle’s cords were cut, thanks to Russo, Rawlins attempted to cut out his eyes in revenge for his attack years ago, only to be viciously beaten stabbed and ultimately had his eyes gouged out by Castle.

Why does Frank refuse to testify in the Punisher?

Frank initially plans to testify but is never given the chance due to the mob’s alliance with the NYPD. Suffering from PTSD brought on by the combination of his military days and witnessing the murder of his family, Frank dons the iconic Punisher skull and begins his one-man war on crime by getting revenge on the mobsters who killed his family.

Who killed Frank’s family in ‘the Punisher’?

In Netflix’s The Punisher, Frank (Jon Bernthal) discovers after hunting down and killing the gang members whose fight supposedly killed his family that his former commanding officer, Colonel Shoonover, as well as Agent Orange and his former best friend, Billy Russo, are actually responsible for their deaths.

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How did Frank Castle become the Punisher?

There’s only one problem. Frank Castle doesn’t have a family. They were murdered before we ever met him. It’s this moment that is his apotheosis, as it were, the moment that Frank Castle went from a man who had done tour after tour in Afghanistan to the path of becoming the vigilante-style superhero known as The Punisher.

What happened to Otto Krieg in the Punisher?

In Jonathan Hensleigh’s 2004 feature film The Punisher, Castle (Thomas Jane) goes undercover as arms dealer Otto Krieg for his last mission prior to retirement. The mission sees Krieg fake his death, while the son of mob boss Howard Saint is killed.