
Will my kittens hair stay long?

Will my kittens hair stay long?

Many young kittens look fluffy whether short or longhaired and kittens should be at least eight weeks before you can see the signs of long hair. If it is very fluffy, the kitten may be longhaired or semi-longhaired. The easiest way to be sure is to wait for the kitten to be about 12 weeks old before you adopt him.

At what age do kittens shed hair?

Kitten fur sheds very little until they begin to reach adulthood. Between the ages of 6 to 12 months the coat, which is normally a little shorter and fluffier than the adult coat, begins to fall away to allow the adult coat to begin to grow in.

Do cats with longer hair shed less?

Long-haired cats seem to shed more, not only because those longer hairs are more visible, but also because they tend to shed in clumps rather than releasing just one single hair at a time. But in fact, long-haired cats shed less often just because longer hairs take a longer time to grow.

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Why is my kitten shedding at 3 months?

A kitten shedding at three months is unusual. Most kittens begin shedding at six months old. Shedding depends on the breed, age, hormones, diet, and even health of the cat. If shedding results in visible bald patches, seek veterinary attention.

Is my cat short or long-haired?

Kittens will usually start exhibiting tell-tale traits at around 8 weeks old that will indicate the likelihood of their coat being long or short. If your cat is going to have long hair, you should notice the tail beginning to get fluffy, and they’ll start showing signs of ear tufts and tufts of fur around their paws.

How can you tell if a kitten is long or short-haired?

Why is my 4 month old kitten shedding so much?

1. Cat Allergies- Shed most in spring and fall as bodies prepare for seasonal swings in temperature. If excessive shedding other seasons, may be suffering from allergies. Can have seasonal allergies just like humans and be allergic to anything from ragweed to pollen, but prone to foodborne allergies.

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How can you tell if a kitten will be long haired?

Long-haired cats have hair that is generally two-to-six inches long. If your kitten has ear tufts, that could be a sign that she is a long-hair. Also look for tufts on the bottom of her paws.