
Will my male cat hurt my new kitten?

Will my male cat hurt my new kitten?

A kitten under 16 weeks old is a baby, physically weak, and can easily be hurt by an older cat. So, your primary concern is for protecting the kitten. This is not typical, though, especially for adult cats who never had any dealings with little kittens. Most adult cats don’t act like mother substitutes to kittens.

Do male cats get along with male cats?

Can Two Male Cats Live Together? Yes, it mostly involves whether their temperaments line up. If you have two laidback males, they are likely to get along just fine. Two territorial males may drive each other nuts, though.

Is it better to have two boy cats or a boy and girl?

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Getting two kittens from the same litter, regardless of gender, can make it easier for them to befriend each other and play—but any two kittens generally tend to get on well after introductions. The only difference between males and females is that a neuter (male) costs less and is less invasive than a spay (female).

Can an older male cat accept a male kitten?

As my cat colony can attest, not only can an older male cat “accept” a male kitten, but they can even become best buddies.

Do cats react well to new kittens?

Even if everyone else in your home is fawning over the new fluffball, that doesn’t mean your older resident cat will. Cats don’t react well to change, and if your older male cat thinks the new kitten is going to disrupt his routine, he isn’t going to like it one bit.

Do male or female cats take care of babies?

Females Are More Helpful. Although typically male cats aren’t known to be the biggest helpers when it comes to caring for the babies, female cats often help their friends and family when it comes to looking after the little ones. Some female cats act as midwives, attending a birthing and helping to clean the newborn kittens.

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Do all male cats Kill Kittens?

Not all male cats kill kittens and some have even been known to participate a little in caring for their own young by cleaning and playing with them. People have even reported having their tom cats turn up with litters of kittens in tow, as if to inform their humans that they were living up to the responsibilities of fatherhood.