
Will you definitely get dengue if bitten by Aedes mosquito?

Will you definitely get dengue if bitten by Aedes mosquito?

While dengue fever is caused by a virus, dengue is transmitted through the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. This same mosquito species also carries chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever and are mainly active during dawn and dusk. When a dengue mosquito bites a person infected with the dengue virus, it becomes infected too.

What are the odds of getting dengue fever?

There is about a 1\% per month chance of getting Dengue while being in a high-risk location. However, the probability of getting the infection depends on various factors such as: The region (up to 70\% of infected travelers return from tropical areas)

How do you know if you have been bitten by a dengue mosquito?

The most common symptoms are fever and one or more of the following:

  1. Headache.
  2. Eye pain (typically behind the eyes)
  3. Muscle, joint, or bone pain.
  4. Rash.
  5. Nausea and vomiting.
  6. Unusual bleeding (nose or gum bleed, small red spots under the skin, or unusual bruising)
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Can you recover from dengue without medication?

No specific treatment for dengue fever exists. While recovering from dengue fever, drink plenty of fluids. Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following signs and symptoms of dehydration: Decreased urination.

Did you know facts about dengue?

Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. Dengue is common in more than 100 countries around the world. About 1 in 4 people who are infected with dengue will get sick.

Where is dengue fever most commonly found?

The disease is common in many popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean (including Puerto Rico), Central and South America, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. In the United States, local cases and limited spread of dengue does occur periodically in some states with hot, humid climates and Aedes mosquitoes.

What are the early signs and symptoms of dengue?

Dengue fever causes a high fever — 104 F (40 C) — and any of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Muscle, bone or joint pain.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Pain behind the eyes.
  • Swollen glands.
  • Rash.
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What are the symptoms of dengue How does it spread?

The most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following: Nausea, vomiting. Rash. Aches and pains (eye pain, typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain)

Why platelets are low in dengue?

When an infected mosquito bites a human, the dengue virus enters the bloodstream, it binds to platelets and replicates leading to multiplication of infectious virus. The infected platelet cells tend to destroy normal platelets which is one of the major causes for the drop in the platelet count in dengue fever.