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Would it be possible to live on a star?

Would it be possible to live on a star?

Humans cannot live on a star because a star is too hot to support organisms (living things). Also because a star has no oxygen, H20 (water), or food. If more than one person could live on a star they would eat each other (one person cannot live on a star either).

What do you call a dead star?

Bottom line: White dwarfs are the remnants of dead stars. They are the dense stellar cores left behind after a star has exhausted its fuel supply and blown its gases into space.

Could life exist in the sun?

The Sun could not harbor life as we know it because of its extreme temperatures and radiation. Yet life on Earth is only possible because of the Sun’s light and energy.

Can we live in Sun?

Well, what would it be like living on the Sun? Firstly, no humans could ever inhabit the Sun. It is a star. Scalding temperatures, nuclear processes, and unexpected lethal bursts make the Sun a deadly world.

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Is the Earth a long dead star?

The Earth is ABSOLUTELY 100\% a long dead star. Sort of. And it is possible that it could become a star in the very distant future, although the likelihood of this is much less certain. So, what do I mean by this?

Can life exist in the atmosphere of a star?

Alas, life is pretty much guaranteed a quick trip to vaporization if it tried to live in the atmosphere of a star like our own. Stars like our sun have a surface temperature of about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 5800 Kelvin), which is hot enough to keep iron suspended in a plasma, and to melt even the hardiest known compounds and alloys.

Is every star we can see still alive?

Every star we can see is almost certainly still alive, dispelling one of astronomy’s most popular myths.

Are all the Stars in the night sky already dead?

It is simply incorrect to think that all, or even a lot of the stars in the night sky are already dead. The light travels very fast, so it is unlikely for any of them to have already died while their light was still in transit towards us. Smaller stars live longer than larger stars, and they’re the ones still shining in our galaxy.