
Can Cell turn golden?

Can Cell turn golden?

Cell’s ability to achieve Super Saiyan-levels of power was inherent to the DNA he’d received from Goku and Vegeta. But, at the time Frieza had yet to achieve his Golden Form. Because Cell has Frieza’s DNA, it is theoretically possible for him to achieve this form.

Is Android 16 a robot?

Android 16, though, was never human; he was created entirely with mechanical parts. Since Android 16 is more robot than human, numerous fans share the opinion that even though 16 clearly had thoughts and emotions, he wasn’t really “alive”.

Is Android 17 a good guy?

Goku is now glad that 17 is a “good guy” now and not an enemy, as he would be a lot of trouble to deal with. While having coffee and a small talk, 17 tells Goku about his family, and mentions that he met his wife during his days in his job, and had 1 child with her and adopted 2 others.

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Is Frieza’s Golden transformation stronger than cell?

Frieza’s Golden Transformation was several times stronger than Cell could ever get on his own. Even better, Frieza’s previous transformations have gained a much-needed power bonus, with his base form now able to take on a base Super Saiyan.

Why didn’t cell work with Goku and Frieza together?

When Goku makes a deal with Frieza, the two work out an agreement that has Frieza working with Goku to save their Universe from vanishing from existence. Cell did catch a break from Vegeta when the Prince let him absorb 18 to gain his perfect form, but the two didn’t work together as Frieza and Goku did. Cell has a lot of skills at his disposal.

Why is Freeza so much stronger than cell?

Cell also has Saiyan and Namekian cells in his body, meaning he can regenerate limbs, and he gets stronger when he is near death. Frieza wasn’t able to do any of that without a rejuvenation chamber. 6 Frieza has Gotten Out of Hell.

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How long did it take for Freeza to train cell?

However, if we take Freeza from any point after his resurrection and training period, Cell gets butchered. After training for a full four months, Freeza reached a level surpassing every villain that came after him, from the Androids to Cell to Majin Boo.