
What do doctors do when someone wakes up from a coma?

What do doctors do when someone wakes up from a coma?

Doctors might give breathing assistance, intravenous medications and other supportive care. Treatment varies, depending on the cause of the coma. A procedure or medications to relieve pressure on the brain due to brain swelling might be needed.

What is the GCS of an unconscious person?

A person’s GCS score can range from 3 (completely unresponsive) to 15 (responsive). This score is used to guide immediate medical care after a brain injury (such as a car accident) and also to monitor hospitalized patients and track their level of consciousness.

What does it mean when a patient is unresponsive?

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Medically speaking, when a person is called unresponsive, it means they’re at least unconscious, and possibly dead or dying. Definitions of unresponsive. adjective. not responding to some influence or stimulus.

What should not be used to wake an unconscious person?

Do not attempt to wake an unconscious person by slapping or shaking him/her or by putting cold water on the person. Do not put a pillow under the head of an unconscious person, as this could block his/her airway.

How do you make a diagnosis of an unconscious patient?

A systematic and logical approach is necessary to make the correct diagnosis; the broad diagnostic categories being neurological, metabolic, diffuse physiological dysfunction and functional. Even when the diagnosis is not immediately clear, appropriate measures to resuscitate, stabilize and support an unconscious patient must be performed rapidly.

What should you do if a person is unconscious or unresponsive?

If a person is unconscious or unresponsive, call emergency medical services. When someone appears to be unconscious or unresponsive, the first thing to do is ask them if they are okay in a loud voice; then gently shake them, unless they appear to have a spinal cord injury.

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What to do if a person is unconscious in first aid?

When unconscious, a person is in danger of choking, making it very important to keep the airway clear while awaiting medical care. First Aid Guide. If you find an unconscious person, try to determine what caused the loss of consciousness. Check to see if he/she is wearing a medical alert tag.