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Can you Coparent with a narcissist?

Can you Coparent with a narcissist?

Co-parenting with a narcissist does not exist. In divorce, narcissistic pathology manifests as a parent’s preoccupation with their own needs and demands, blindness to their own children, and desired erasure of the other parent. As much as legally possible, insulate yourself and your children from this toxic monster.

How do you navigate co-parenting with a narcissist?

What to Do if Your Co-Parent Is a Narcissist

  1. Make a parenting plan. Make a plan for how to drop off and pick up kids, and how to handle after-school activities, holidays, and discipline.
  2. Limit communication. Your parenting partner may try to get your attention by over-communicating.
  3. Stay calm.
  4. Have perspective.

Why You Can T Co parent with a narcissist?

Not being able to reason with a narcissist makes communicating with one very difficult. Again, the basis of co-parenting is being able to effectively communicate with the other parent. When one parent responds to attempts to communicate by attacking or deflecting, there can be no effective communication.

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Are You co-parenting with a narcissist?

Co-parenting can be even more daunting. And if you’re co-parenting with a narcissist, well, it may feel near impossible at times. Take a deep breath.

How do I share custody of my child with a narcissist?

To successfully share custody with a narcissist, you need to treat co-parenting like a business relationship: establish detailed rules, set firm boundaries and document everything. You also need to disconnect emotionally, take care to be your child’s emotionally-safe parent, and learn how to talk to — and ignore — a narcissist.

Should you panic if your child has a narcissistic parent?

As I said, don’t panic! Not all children of narcissists become narcissists themselves, especially if they have one stable, emotionally healthy parent. But some children are susceptible, depending on the level of abuse and how the narcissist parent treats your child. This type of NPD parent is driven to succeed (at least outwardly) at all costs.

How do you deal with a narcissistic mother with no empathy?

For this reason, the parent without a narcissistic personality, will need to compensate for the narcissist’s lack of empathy by ensuring they are remaining emotionally attuned to their child, honoring their feelings, and empowering and encouraging. Remember: Believe in yourself, parent with empathy, and stay calm.