Can you miss memories and not the person?

Can you miss memories and not the person?

As people change they become a different person, a person different from the memory in itself! you make different memories with that different person,but that original memory stays. In most cases, you may not like the person they have become, and hence you wouldn’t miss the person, but you miss the memories.

Can you physically miss someone?

For some people, lovesickness goes beyond butterflies: It may also induce physical effects, such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, stomach pain, loss of sleep, and depression, all which may persist and prevent you from functioning normally.

Do you miss the person you were with when you miss them?

If you look at your life and all the happiness you feel, and the first thing that comes to mind is, “If only she (or he) were here to experience this with me…” then there can be no argument; you love this person. You don’t miss the person you were with, you miss the person you were when you were with him or her.

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Do you miss someone from your past when you feel alone?

You simply can’t allow it. You only miss this person when you feel alone. There’s actually a very easy way to differentiate between true love and everything else we confuse to be love. People miss someone from their past when they are lonely or sad.

Do you feel bereft when you’re missing someone you love?

Even when you know you’ll see the person you’re missing eventually, you might still feel pretty bereft right now. Time might seem to drag, making it difficult to turn your attention toward anything else as you count the days. Staying in touch is key, whether you’re separated by a continent, a few states, or COVID-19 protocols.

Is there a difference between missing someone and missing them as person?

There’s a difference in missing the person you thought someone was (the memories you made together) and actually missing them as a person. I think that you can differentiate the two things by asking yourself very practical questions.