
Do teachers get annoyed if you ask too many questions?

Do teachers get annoyed if you ask too many questions?

The instructor can choose not to call on people for any reason. If they are very annoyed by too many questions, then they can give you that feedback. If you are allowed to ask all of your questions, then you have probably not annoyed the instructor.

Do your professors hold office hours and will they meet with you outside of class?

Professors and teaching assistants schedule time outside of class to meet with students. Most professors do not require that students attend office hours. They expect students to decide for themselves when they need or want to participate.

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Can my parents visit my professor during his office hours?

However, if your situation is real, speak up and your professor is more than likely to be willing to work with you on it. Your parents have no place visiting your professor during his or her office hours. That time is set for professors to meet with students, not their parents.

Do you make last minute attempts to get into professors’ offices?

Terrible, but true. With the end of the semester nearing, many students will make last minute attempts to head into each of their professor’s office hours and make some unfortunate mistakes without the slightest clue they’re torpedoing what could have been a great office hour meeting. No essay required. Students and parents are eligible to win.

What makes professors difficult to understand?

Professors can be very understanding and are willing to be flexible when students are dealing with issues in their lives. It’s when students are dishonest and take advantage of a professor’s trust that make professors less willing to be understanding.

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How many hours do professors work per week?

Responding to Van Bavel and others as the discussion went viral in the insular world of academic-Twitter, some professors confirmed that they worked 60 hours per week or more, while others said they worked fewer weekly hours, especially when summer hours were included in the overall total.