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Does being anorexic really help you lose weight?

Does being anorexic really help you lose weight?

An anorexic diet is a basic eating plan that helps you lose weight in an effective and quick manner. This diet plan does not ask you to starve yourself, but focuses on the intake of certain foods that burn fat. Moreover, it also provides essential nutrients to your body.

What are the signs that you are becoming anorexic?

Food behavior symptoms. Dieting despite being thin – Following a severely restricted diet.

  • Appearance and body image symptoms. Dramatic weight loss – Rapid,drastic weight loss with no medical cause.
  • Purging symptoms.
  • How to gain weight if you are anorexic?

    Eating five or six small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals can help you gain weight, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This may also help with the anxiety and stomach discomfort many anorexics feel when they try to suddenly increase meal size as a way to ingest more calories.

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    How exactly is being anorexic bad for You?

    Weak muscles

  • Bone conditions such as osteoporosis (weak bones),osteopenia (poor calcium stores in bone) and frequent fractures.
  • Problem with development in children and young adults
  • Fertility issues
  • Decreased of sex drive
  • Heart problems such as irregular heartbeat ( arrhythmia) and heart failure
  • Does being anorexic really work?

    The person suffering from an eating disorder is able to work as any other person does, the anorexic is no exception. Most people with anorexia are able to continue working particularly if the illness has been recognised and is being treated with the help of a doctor.

    Why does someone become anorexic?

    The exact causes of anorexia nervosa are unknown. However, the condition sometimes runs in families; young women with a parent or sibling with an eating disorder are likelier to develop one themselves. Then there are psychological, environmental, and social factors that may contribute to the development of anorexia.