
Is mild mucosal thickening dangerous?

Is mild mucosal thickening dangerous?

Mucosal thickening is an inflammatory reaction with hyperplasia of the mucous lining of the maxillary sinus. This condition may result from harmful actions caused by trauma, infections, chemical agents, foreign body reaction, neoplasm, or airway conditions such as allergies, rhinitis, or asthma.

What does sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening mean?

The mechanism of thickening of the parasellar dura mater and sphenoid sinus mucosa have been considered to be caused by congestion of dural blood flow because of increased cavernous and circular sinus pressure due to a sudden increase in intrasellar pressure.

What is mild mucosal thickening of right sphenoid sinus?

The sphenoid sinus mucosa thickens during the acute stage of pituitary apoplexy. This thickening neither indicates infectious sinusitis nor rules out the choice of the transsphenoidal route for surgery.

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Can mucosal thickening cause headaches?

There may also be associated swelling and inflammation of the lining of the sinuses, resulting in increased mucus and fluid secretion. This increase in fluid combined with the inability to drain increases pressure within the sinus cavity, causing the pain of a sinus headache.

How do you treat mucosal thickening?


  1. Nasal corticosteroids.
  2. Saline nasal irrigation, with nasal sprays or solutions, reduces drainage and rinses away irritants and allergies.
  3. Oral or injected corticosteroids.
  4. Allergy medications.
  5. Aspirin desensitization treatment, if you have reactions to aspirin that cause sinusitis and nasal polyps.

Is mucosal thickening permanent?

All of the above factors will eventually cause thickening of the nasal and sinus lining tissue. If this process persists the thickening can become permanent. Eventually despite our best efforts with treatment this continuous swelling can create polyps.

Is mucosal thickening normal?

We conclude that mucosal thickening of up to 3 mm is common and lacks clinical significance in asymptomatic patients. An ancillary finding is that 1- to 2-mm areas of mucosal thickening in the ethmoidal sinuses occur in 63\% of asymptomatic patients.

Does mucosal thickening mean sinus infection?

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Mucosal thickening is seen in more than 90\% of patients with sinusitis, but this finding is highly nonspecific. Air-fluid levels and complete opacification are more specific for sinusitis, but they are seen in only 60\% of sinusitis cases.

What causes sphenoid sinusitis?

Sphenoid sinusitis can be caused by both bacterial and viral infections that impact the upper respiratory system. Other possible factors include a weakened immune system, tooth abscesses, nasal polyps, nasal defects and enlarged adenoids.

How do you drain your sphenoid sinus?

3. Sphenoid/ethmoid sinus massage

  1. Place your index fingers on the bridge of your nose.
  2. Find the area between your nasal bone and the corner of the eyes.
  3. Hold a firm pressure in that spot with your fingers for about 15 seconds.
  4. Then, using your index fingers, stroke downward along the side of the bridge of your nose.

What are the symptoms of mucosal thickening?

Thick, discolored discharge from the nose (runny nose) Drainage down the back of the throat (postnasal drainage) Blocked or stuffy (congested) nose causing difficulty breathing through your nose. Pain, tenderness and swelling around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead.

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What causes sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening?

Sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening occurs when the lining of the sinus cavities swell. Cysts filled with mucous can form in the cavities when a gland becomes obstructed and swells.

What are the symptoms of sphenoidal sinusitis?

Here are some of the typical sphenoidal sinusitis symptoms: Mucus discharge – post nasal drip and sore throat Headache – pain on top of head and around temples Neck pain – sometimes including ear pain as well

How do you prevent sphenoid sinusitis?

Prevention of sphenoid sinusitis. There are some preventative measures you can take to try to avoid sphenoid sinusitis. Refraining from active and passive smoking, avoiding dry nasal passages by using nasal sprays, and keeping on top of allergic reaction treatment can be helpful.

What causes excessive mucus in the sinus cavity?

These microbes cause excessive mucus in the sinus and block the nasal cavity. When these types of infections become too active, they can be hard to treat. There are some people who suffer from chronic cases of sphenoid sinusitis. Some doctors refer to this as sphenoidal sinus disease.