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Does the Bible say anything about having sex outside of marriage?

Does the Bible say anything about having sex outside of marriage?

YES! While you won’t find that specific phrase used in the Bible, the Bible repeatedly talks about “sexual immorality” or “sexual sins.” These references to sex are talking about any sexual activity outside of marriage, so if you’re having sex (or thinking about having sex) without being married God wants you to stop.

What does the Bible say about premarital sex?

In fact, though the Bible does generally condemn sexual immorality, there is no clear prohibition against premarital sex in the Bible. So the short answer to Kimberly’s question is:

What does the Bible say about promiscuous and adulterous sex?

Promiscuous and especially adulterous sex with no intent to marry is forbidden in the Bible. Premarital sex that leads to marriage, though not ideal, is tolerated in the Bible, and is handled in pragmatic fashion to preserve social order.

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Does the commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery” apply to sex before marriage?

Strictly speaking, the commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14) does not apply to sex before marriage. The Bible presents marriage as a relationship that is sacred because from the beginning God created two human beings to be united into one. Based on this, we can conclude that:

How can I abstain from sex before marriage?

Distance yourself from church-going friends who persist in cohabitating, and build relationships with Christians who will encourage you and hold you accountable in abstaining from sex before marriage. Are you worried that your relationship might not survive a commitment to abstinence?

Is marriage the cure for sexual immorality?

In this verse, Paul states that marriage is the “cure” for sexual immorality. First Corinthians 7:2 is essentially saying that, because people cannot control themselves and so many are having immoral sex outside of marriage, people should get married. Then they can fulfill their passions in a moral way.

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What does 1 Corinthians 7-2 say about sex before marriage?

First Corinthians 7:2 is essentially saying that, because people cannot control themselves and so many are having immoral sex outside of marriage, people should get married. Then they can fulfill their passions in a moral way. Since 1 Corinthians 7:2 clearly includes sex before marriage in…
