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Does Vision stay dead in the comics?

Does Vision stay dead in the comics?

Because he died before Thanos snapped his fingers (thus removing half the universe’s population), Vision was not restored to life during the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), leaving the Scarlet Witch to mourn a more permanent loss.

Why did Wanda kill Vision in the comics?

The commercials have been moving (somewhat) chronologically through Wanda’s life so far, and at this point, we reach Vision’s death. Wanda used her magic to destroy the Infinity Stone and kill Vision so that Thanos wouldn’t be able to attain all the stones.

Does Vision ever come back to life in the comics?

Without Simon’s help, Hank decided to upload all the data from the Avengers computer banks into the newly resurrected Vision. This allowed Vision – now reborn as a pale, ghost-like version of himself – to know who the Avengers were and his past relationship to them.

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How did Vision and Wanda die?

But two servants of the alien warlord Thanos ambush them there in hopes of retrieving the Mind Stone from Vision’s head, which Thanos needs to power his Infinity Stone. But Thanos finds them there, and Wanda is forced to kill Vision to keep the stone out of Thanos’ gauntlet.

Is Vision done after WandaVision?

Vision, as we came to know him in Avengers: Age of Ultron, met his demise at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The character made his unlikely return in WandaVision, as Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda essentially managed to bring him back from the dead.

Why did Thanos kill Vision in the comics?

In the comics, Thanos wanted to impress Death and decided to kill Vision in the most gruesome way imaginable – ripping his guts out – just because he could. Thanos was showing off his power in the Infinity Gauntlet saga, which led to the Vision being destroyed with a single blow.

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What happened to vision’s body in Avengers?

Vision steps out of the wreckage and eerily proclaims to the Avengers that he is no longer in control of his functions and feels a great amount of shame for what he is about to bring upon them. Just then, Vision’s body shrivels and melts away, but not before vomiting out a series of metal eggs onto the ground.

How did the vision die in the MCU?

Despite the fact that the Avengers would eventually discover that Scarlet Witch was the true puppeteer behind their worst defeat to date, The Vision ‘s murder at the hand of his former wife goes down as one of the most ruthless Marvel deaths to date. KEEP READING: Did Captain America & Scarlet Witch Get Romantic in The Comics?

What happened to vision in Infinity War?

The inclusion of the Mind Stone as a physical part of Vision’s being drove a large part of the plot in Avengers: Infinity War, which made the Vision’s death a crushing, crucial moment to the overall plot. However, this ultimately revamped what was an extremely violent, moment from a comic that was filled with even more superhero savagery.