
How do I clear my coding doubts?

How do I clear my coding doubts?

10 Sites to Solve All Your Programming Related Questions

  1. StackOverflow.
  2. Quora.
  3. Reddit.
  4. StackExchange.
  5. CodeProject.
  6. Google Groups.
  7. CodeRanch.
  8. Programmers Heaven.

Does reading programming help books?

A good programming book encourages you to open your programming IDE, and actually type the code, to experiment, think and tinker. Reading books also allows you to better understand, and develop a common language with your colleagues, thus allowing less friction when communicating ideas.

Why is C considered a bad programming language?

So C exposes details that should not be exposed. The excuse is that this is bare-metal programming and that a programmer should understand the machine to be able to program.

Why do programmers insist that C is widely used beyond programming?

When programmers insist that a language such as C is widely used beyond system programming it really is an admission they have not done their job, or their techniques such as C are insufficient to do that job, or that they even don’t understand that IS their job.

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How to learn to code from top programmers?

During the journey of learning to code, it’s always good to embrace the programming community to learn from each other. Stackoverflow, Reddit, etc all these online platforms not just helps in getting the solution for the coding-related problems but also helps in learning the best coding approach from the top programmers sitting across the world.

Do you want to learn to code?

Learning to code is intimidating for beginners. You buy tons of learning resources. Books, online courses some free resources or lectures and the journey is really exciting for you. You want to consume as much information as you can and you feel you have so much potential to learn. You’re excited to get the job as a programmer.