Tips and tricks

How do you choose what dreams to pursue?

How do you choose what dreams to pursue?

Here are three tips for how to choose the right dream to pursue, and then follow that path as you’re living your dream.

  1. Make a decision that choosing your dream can be easy! That part that wants to stay where you are loves confusion.
  2. Play with different possibilities.
  3. Focus your energy.

Should I give up my dream for love?

Never give up your dreams for the sake of a relationship. A relationship should be a spring board from which to chase your dreams rather than a place that keeps you chained and disillusioned. Happy relationships encourage adventure and help the people in it to move forward and progress rather than stagnate.

Why do I give up on my goals?

You have to embrace the unknown every single day, and push forward regardless of what challenges arise. Most of the time, people give up on their goals simply because they lack discipline. They can’t get themselves to see something through to the end, regardless of how small the project.

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Why pursue one of your dreams?

There are no whys or maybes. There is a time to ask questions. There is a time to stop. Now is the time to feel the fear and do it anyway. The more you do, the better you get. This website is an example of how I am pursing one of my dreams. Sure, it isn’t something big—a lot of people own websites and successful blogs.

How do I Follow my Dream?

Your dream is your calling, something you HAVE to do to fulfil you. COMMIT yourself to it with your entire being. Express your faith in the Master Plan. Say, “I don’t know HOW I will do it, but if I just believe in it and follow my dream, then the Universe will show me, step by step, how to proceed.”

How do you find the courage to move on from your dreams?

The choice is yours. As long as your dreams appeal more to you than your fears, you will find the energy and courage to move on. Your dream is your calling, something you HAVE to do to fulfil you. COMMIT yourself to it with your entire being. Express your faith in the Master Plan.

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Are dreams connected to one another?

Most dreams seem unconnected to one another, but a few seem to carry on themes from one dream to another. Does this continuity of content come from the dreams themselves, or is continuity of content due to a continuity of experiences in our waking life?