
How do you feel after a triathlon?

How do you feel after a triathlon?

As you cross the finish line, you are psyched, elated, and joyous at having accomplished your goal. Up to that point, triathlon is fun. Then, a day or two later, it hits you. You feel down, lethargic, even sad.

How do triathletes recover?

Triathlon recovery is an absolute truth in every athlete’s training program, and most multi-sport competitors are keenly aware of this. However, many triathletes only consider the most obvious recovery methods: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

How long should you rest after a triathlon?

After your race, take 48-72 hours off to allow for full recovery. Then train in Zone 2 only (Easy or Steady) for up to two weeks. Include further recovery days if you need to during this period. During the recovery period, all swims should be 60 mins or less.

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What is a good beginner triathlon time?

For the beginner triathlete, it will take about 1 hour 50 minutes to complete their first sprint distance triathlon. If we break down the average sprint triathlon time, this should take the novice triathlete around 2 minutes per 100 m in the swim. 1 hour for the bike leg, and up to 30 minutes to complete the run.

How do you go to the bathroom during a triathlon?

Most triathletes don’t need to pee a lot when riding unless they ride really slow. In this case, they can always stop at the port-a-potty station and urinate. Another popular option triathletes consider is to stop for a while and pee on the side of the road.

Are ironmans healthy?

Although it remains true that people who exercise are generally healthier than those who don’t, a study published this month in Mayo Clinic Proceedings and a study presented last week to the American College of Sports Medicine find excessive training for ultramarathons, Olympic-length triathlons and other endurance …

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How does a triathlon work?

A triathlon works on 3 (+1) disciplines: start, swim, transition, bike, transition, run, finish line. The swim part of a triathlon is the shortest part of the race. It’s also the scariest. At first it’s going to be a lot of splashing if there are a lot of people starting at the same time.

How long does it take to complete an international distance triathlon?

How long does it take to finish an International Distance Triathlon? The answer, based on our analysis of more than 75 triathlons: about 3 hours, on average. Swim 1.5k in 40 minutes, Bike 40k in an hour and 20 minutes, and Run 10k in one hour. Transitions included in the total.

How long does it take to swim a 40K triathlon?

Swim 1.5k in 40 minutes, Bike 40k in an hour and 20 minutes, and Run 10k in one hour. Transitions included in the total. It’s important to note that there can be, and often are, variations between one international distance triathlon and another, which will affect average finish times. Are all swim courses measured accurately? No.

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How do I find a triathlon event?

Step 1. Simply google for it, a la “triathlon event” and start going through the results. Most triathlon events put some effort into marketing their event and so a lot of information can be found on the website of any particular triathlon event. Step 2. Look for one that doesn’t start too soon nor a little too late.