
How does World war 2 affect us today?

How does World war 2 affect us today?

World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, killing an estimated 50 to 85 million people from 1939 to 1945. Inventions we still use today, such as modern computers, Super Glue, duct tape, and even Tupperware, were devised to support the war effort.

How did World War II transform American life and its economy?

Our involvement in the war soon changed that rate. American factories were retooled to produce goods to support the war effort and almost overnight the unemployment rate dropped to around 10\%. Women went to work to fill jobs that were traditionally held by men.

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How did World war 2 affect American life at home?

Food, gas and clothing were rationed. Communities conducted scrap metal drives. To help build the armaments necessary to win the war, women found employment as electricians, welders and riveters in defense plants. Japanese Americans had their rights as citizens stripped from them.

How did World War 2 transform American society?

After the end of World War II, the United States went through many changes. One of the greatest transformations to American society was the mass migration of families from the inner cities to the suburbs. This was thought to make for a better quality of life and a stronger nuclear family.

How did America support the war effort WW2?

Many Americans supported the war effort by purchasing war bonds. Women replaced men in sports leagues, orchestras and community institutions. Americans grew 60\% of the produce they consumed in “Victory Gardens”. The war effort on the United States Home Front was a total effort.

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What was it like living during WW2?

Over a million were evacuated from towns and cities and had to adjust to separation from family and friends. Many of those who stayed, endured bombing raids and were injured or made homeless. All had to deal with the threat of gas attack, air raid precautions (ARP), rationing, changes at school and in their daily life.

Could the modern US military win WW2?

The modern U.S. military at WWII-strength could easily win the war. They would at worst be at a 1:3 deficit in manpower and for a lot of materiel be on equal footing. They would completely trounce the Axis powers, no problem.

Why did the United States get involved in WW2?

In other words, the United States had to get involved before it was too late. This idea that the United States was going to war in Europe to stop Hitler and fascism from spreading and threatening the American way of life was a powerful motivator and helped make the war a popular thing in the early 1940s.

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What did America need to do to win the war?

America needed to quickly raise, train, and outfit a vast military force. At the same time, it had to find a way to provide material aid to its hard-pressed allies in Great Britain and the Soviet Union.

Was World War II a war of power?

Answering this question can be complicated if you want it to be. World War II was a catastrophic clash of global power, driven primarily by a small group of powerful elites, but played out on the ground by regular working-class people whose motivations were as diverse as they were.