
Why is corporate world so ruthless?

Why is corporate world so ruthless?

The corporate world is cruel because the end goal is the bottom line (aka money). Plus, you have a diverse cross-section of people of various age levels, experience levels, skill sets, egos, attitudes, etc.

Why corporate job is so stressful?

Employees often face increased responsibilities and higher demands for lesser benefits and lack of appreciation. They are constantly faced with competition, pay cuts, target pressures, and deadlines, all of which leads to exhaustion and stress.

Why is social media not so prominent in the corporate world?

Social media is not so prominent in the corporate world because it requires you to remove the corporate mask and show your flaws. Fakeness on social channels like LinkedIn just doesn’t work. People don’t engage. Many people told me that the audience I was building on social media was career suicide.

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What are some harsh truths about corporate life nobody will ever tell?

Here are 18 harsh truths about corporate life nobody will ever tell you. 1. The more efficient you are at your work, the more you will be burdened with it. 2. Nobody cares about your individual progress in the corporate world. All that matters is what you contribute to the company. 3.

What is it like to work in the corporate world?

The corporate world is full of big companies with lots of resources. With an abundance of anything you always have wastage. The corporate world definitely didn’t tell me how to manage time. What could have been a five-minute phone conversation often ended up in huge email chains. It was a bit of a game.

Is corporate America the place where happiness manifests?

The repetitive, mundane life corporate America offers you is not one of excitement. Life is full of surprises and opportunities; this is where happiness will manifest. You know where it will not flourish?

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