Is a naive person innocent?

Is a naive person innocent?

One definition of naive is “(of a person) natural and unaffected; innocent” but the primary definition is “showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment”. For this, once can be not guilty of committing an act, hence innocent, but not through a lack of experience, wisdom or judgement.

What does it mean when someone says you are naive?

1 : showing lack of experience or knowledge He asked a lot of naive questions. 2 : being simple and sincere. Other Words from naive. naively adverb. naive.

What’s being naive mean?

Essential Meaning of naive. : having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge : innocent or simple a naive belief that all people are good a naive view of the world See More Examples.

Why is being naive not a good thing?

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Answer Wiki. Being naive is not a good thing because it makes you unaware of the world and people’s intentions. People who are naive are often taken advantage of and hurt more easily.

What are some examples of how being nice can be harmful?

For example, if you are being nice to people, but have difficulty with other areas such as reading social cues, paying attention to timing, and other social norms, being nice may actually have the opposite effect then what is intended.

What makes a person “nice?

What makes a person “nice” is completely subjective. For example: one person’s “nice” might be another person’s clingy and annoying. How nice a person is may not be an important factor to someone else. For example: They may prefer someone edgy, sarcastic, hip, or any other specific qualities that could appeal to another person.

What makes a person with a clean heart?

A person with a clean heart is always smiling and that makes them a likable person. They’re always cheerful and optimistic. No one can feel bad in their company. They radiate that positive energy and it affects everyone around them.