Tips and tricks

Is it illegal to flip someone off in Michigan?

Is it illegal to flip someone off in Michigan?

Flipping the bird is a fine line to tread during a traffic stop. A Michigan woman had her right to flip the bird at a cop upheld in an appeals-court decision this week. Circuit Judge Sutton opined that “Fits of rudeness or lack of gratitude may violate the Golden Rule. But that doesn’t make them illegal.”

Is flipping people off road rage?

No, that is not illegal. However, road rage or other things that flipping someone off can lead to can be. You should consult with some attorneys to go over your options at this point. You probably were given a notice to appear in court.

Are hand gestures protected by the First Amendment?

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A raised middle finger is a form of free speech, a court has ruled, allowing a lawsuit by a driver who made the vulgar gesture at a police officer.

What is road rage and how can it be dangerous?

Road rage is a driver’s aggressive or angry behaviour. Road rage may include rude gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving that is directed towards another driver. Sometimes road rage can result in physical harm to a driver or even death.

What should you do if someone attacks you on the road?

Don’t pull over the side of the road. The other car may follow you, and you could get into an altercation. Instead, drive to a safe place such as a police station, convenience store, shopping centre or even a hospital. If the angry driver follows, use your horn to attract attention.

What should you do if you’re hit by an angry driver?

Put as much distance as possible between your vehicle and the angry driver’s vehicle. Find a safe place to stop. Don’t pull over the side of the road. The other car may follow you, and you could get into an altercation. Instead, drive to a safe place such as a police station, convenience store, shopping centre or even a hospital.

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