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Is it OK to be jealous of your younger sibling?

Is it OK to be jealous of your younger sibling?

Jealousy is a normal human experience, but it’s important to get a handle on it. A recent study in the Journal of Family Psychology found that strained family relationships rooted in jealousy can cause health issues and chronic illnesses to worsen.

Why do siblings fight as adults?

Reasons for Adult Sibling Rivalry Parental favoritism is often cited as a source of adult sibling rivalry. It’s also common for people to feel that a sibling is or ‘has always been’ favored by a parent, even if this may not be recognized or acknowledged by the rest of the family.

What does it mean to have younger siblings?

Having younger siblings is something that only older brothers and sisters can understand. It is one of the best relationships that we can experience within our family. Why? Because being a big brother or sister means being the role model.

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Why is it better to be an older brother or sister?

Because being a big brother or sister means being the role model. Being the older sibling means taking an adult’s side which they sometimes take seriously and other times they don’t, but it is always from the heart and that does not change for anything.

What happens when a sibling turns into an adult?

When your sibling starts to become a mature adult, that is when you really enjoy your time together. They can finally understand problems, discussions, jokes and extraordinary situations in your family. That’s when you sit around at family gatherings to laugh and tease adults, lightening the day.

What does it mean to be a Big Brother or sister?

Why? Because being a big brother or sister means being the role model. Being the older sibling means taking an adult’s side which they sometimes take seriously and other times they don’t, but it is always from the heart and that does not change for anything.