
What did drona teach the Kauravas and Pandavas?

What did drona teach the Kauravas and Pandavas?

He taught royal princes of both the clans, Pandavas and Kauravas. It is his teachings which made all his disciples from both the princely clan, masters of all the arts-related to warfare. Once Arjuna was hunting in a forest.

Who was the Dronacharya answer?

Guru Dronacharya was a legendary and illustrious teacher of the Mahabharata era. He taught the royal princes, Pandavas and Kauravas.

Who was Dronacharya what skills was he to impart to the Kauravas and the Pandavas?

Guru Dronacharya who mastered the skill of military arts was responsible for teaching both the Kauravas and Pandavas the art of warfare. Many, including Duryodhana, accused him of favouring Arjuna.

Where did Dronacharya teach Pandavas?

This is a story from the Mahabharata about concentration. After the death of King Pandu, his wife Kunti brought the five Pandavas to Hastinapur, where they grew up with their 100 cousins, the Kauravas. Now, their teacher in the arts of warfare was the great Dronacharya.

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Why did Drona fight Kauravas?

It was his duty to protect the throne. He would’ve fought his son Ashwattama if he had to, in order to save the throne. When the war broke out, Dhrithirashtra was the king and hence Drona’s loyalty had to lie with the Kauravas.

Why did Drona killed Abhimanyu?

Pandavas wanted to use this opportunity to arrest him, but enraged by the death of his father and several Panchala warriors, Dhrishtadyumna took this opportunity and beheads him, in a gross violation of the rules of war. Krishna justified the act saying Drona’s role in killing of Abhimanyu.

Who is the student of Dronacharya?

To resolve the matter, Drona accepted Ekalavya as his student, but demanded the thumb on his dominant hand as gurudakshina, or teacher’s payment, in order to limit his abilities and further growth in archery, thus pacifying Arjuna.

Who is father of Dronacharya?


Drona, the second Commander-in-chief of Kaurava Army
Family Bharadwaja (father)
Spouse Kripi
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What had Dronacharya taught the princess?

Question 1: What has Dronacharya taught the princes? Answer: Dronacharya has taught the princes to use different weapons, to shoot well the bow, to ride horses and to fight well in a war.

Who is Dronacharya in Mahabharata?

In the epic Mahabharata, Drona or Dronacharya is the royal guru (teacher) to the Kauravas and the Pandavas. He was a master of advanced military arts, including the devastras. Arjuna was his favorite student. Drona’s love for Arjuna was only second to his love for his son Ashwatthama.

Who was the guru of Pandavas and Kauravas?

Drona was the guru of both Pandavas and Kauravas in training warfare and archery. Among all his students, PANDU son ARJUNA was the favourite student of Dronacharya. He studied how the child Arjuna was devoted and dedicated and then chose him to impart knowledge about Divyastras. He wanted to train Arjuna with the best warfare and archery skills.

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Who was Guru Dronacharya to Ekalavaya?

Dhronacharya asked Ekalavaya how he learned that much war skills and who was his guru. Ekalavya replied as “Guru Dronacharya”. Eklavya replied that he learned all the warfare skills with the help of statue of Drona. Drona was pleased with Eklavya and asked him for Guru Dakshina.

Why did Parasurama give his knowledge of combat to Drona?

Unfortunately by the time Drona arrived, Parasurama had given away all his belongings to other brahmanas. Taking pity upon the plight of Drona, Parasurama decided to impart his knowledge of combat to Drona. For the sake of his wife and son, Drona desired freedom from poverty.