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What does an INTP need?

What does an INTP need?

INTPs want plenty of space in a relationship to explore their own thoughts, ideas, and interests. They value a partner that appreciates their ingenuity and problem-solving ability, and one that understands their need for autonomy.

Do INTP like to be alone?

INTPs don’t need a lot of face to face interactions, and actually enjoy being alone quite a bit. INTPs can go for long periods of time without being around people, and they actually feel just fine with this most of the time. INTPs often enjoy people who they can feel close to even when they aren’t physically together.

Do INTP’s need space?

They Do Need Space. Your INTP boyfriend needs space and time alone, no matter how enamored they are by you. They require this time to recharge and process their inner thoughts and feelings. Without this time to themselves the INTP becomes mentally and emotionally exhausted, and this is just something they cannot live without.

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What does an INTP boyfriend need in a relationship?

Your INTP boyfriend needs space and time alone, no matter how enamored they are by you. They require this time to recharge and process their inner thoughts and feelings. Without this time to themselves the INTP becomes mentally and emotionally exhausted, and this is just something they cannot live without.

What are the characteristics of INTPs?

Another quality common to this personality type is their honesty. INTPs love to speak their mind to everyone around them and this can especially be seen in romantic relationships. Whatever an INTP tells you about themselves in the beginning, it is nothing but the truth.

Do INTPs have a hard time dating?

They are loyal and faithful Even though INTPs usually have a hard time entering into new relationships, when they do get themselves involved with someone, they take it very seriously. An INTP is not a personality type who enjoys having casual or meaningless intimate relationships.