Tips and tricks

What does it mean to see someone as an extension of yourself?

What does it mean to see someone as an extension of yourself?

Extension of self refers to the fact that a narcissist sees others as a reflection of themselves, of their own needs and feelings. They are not seen as separate–with their own feelings and neds.

Is everyone a narcissist to some extent?

Psychologically speaking, narcissism is a personality trait that every person possesses to some degree. Like any characteristic, it exists on a spectrum. We all fall somewhere along the narcissism continuum. In fact, a certain amount of self-centeredness is healthy.

How does a narcissist view others?

Narcissists never develop the ability to identify with the feelings of others—to put themselves in other people’s shoes. In other words, they lack empathy. In many ways, they view the people in their lives as objects—there to serve their needs.

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What is the synonym of extension?

Frequently Asked Questions About extend Some common synonyms of extend are lengthen, prolong, and protract. While all these words mean “to draw out or add to so as to increase in length,” extend and lengthen imply a drawing out in space or time but extend may also imply increase in width, scope, area, or range.

What is narcissistic extension?

Narcissists view others as extensions of themselves. The narcissist sets the standards of behavior and does not tolerate differences – especially if your viewpoint would require her to alter her behavior.

What does it mean to be a narcissistic extension of yourself?

If you’re a narcissistic extension, the narcissist sees you as a reflection of them and how people view them. Therefore, they will take credit for your accomplishments and do the reverse by blaming you for times you don’t meet their standards. A narcissist may, for example, say something like,…

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How do you deal with a narcissist in a relationship?

Narcissists see these people as an extension of themselves, and therefore become very controlling of their extensions. Evaluate your relationship with this person. If they seem entitled to your time, violate your boundaries, and otherwise make you feel uncomfortable, you may be their extension. You should also focus on your own feelings.

What do narcissists share about themselves?

A narcissist may share facts about themselves that feel too private and personal, and have little sense of shame when sharing. A narcissist may, for example, tell a story about how they “called someone out” and boast about having been very rude and aggressive to someone.

What happens when you ask a narcissist to change?

Instead of admitting to wrongdoing or agreeing to change, a narcissist will often get very angry. They may meet your request with personal attacks and put downs, and may even force you to apologize. If you’re a narcissistic extension, the narcissist will feel your feelings and emotions should only exist to serve them.