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What does reversed King of Swords mean?

What does reversed King of Swords mean?

In a general context, the King of Swords reversed can represent lack of structure, routine, self-discipline, power or authority. When reversed it is a Minor Arcana card of not using your head or losing your cool. This card reversed signifies a lack of logic, reason, integrity, ethics or morals.

Is Knight of Swords a yes or no?

Knight of Swords: Yes or No The Knight of Swords in a yes or no reading is an indication that you need to find the answer to your question from within.

What does the King of Swords reversed mean in a love reading?

As characteristics or qualities, the reversed King of Swords tarot love meaning can signal that you may be exhibiting these qualities in your relationships. You may need to show more restraint and forgiveness to your partner, or else you may lose them.

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What does the Page of Swords reversed mean?

In a general context, the Page of Swords reversed can represent bad or disappointing news and lack of ideas, planning or inspiration. It can also signify being defensive, cold, vindictive, cynical or sarcastic. As a person, the Page of Swords reversed represents a young person who is keeping information to themselves.

How do you read the King of Swords?

The King of Swords appearing in a reading suggests that you should remain objective in your current situation – you must establish truth by sticking to the facts. The King of Swords and his intellectual power implies that you will need to use your intellect to make your point known and attain your goals.

What does the 5 of swords reversed mean?

In a career Tarot reading, the Five of Swords reversed indicates that a conflict in the workplace may be coming to an end. If there has been deception or underhanded business deals at play, the Five of Swords reversed will see the culprits being held accountable and publicly shamed or even fired.

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What does the Seven of Swords reversed mean?

In a general context, the Seven of Swords reversed signifies coming clean and one’s conscience kicking in so if you have done something you are not proud of you may find yourself confessing and turning over a new leaf. It can represent careers in the military or security.

What does the king of Swords reversed mean in tarot?

The King of Swords reversed can also be less about logic and more about tyranny. The King of Swords is a fair person. He knows the law is there to keep order and also that each case has to be looked at in its own light. But reversed, this tarot card is about arrogance, unfairness, and disastrous treatment.

Is the king of Swords a welcome card or a curse?

The King of Swords should be a welcome card, but the reversed version should make you wary.

What does the king of Swords mean in a career tarot reading?

In a career Tarot reading, the King of Swords can represent a mature older man in your work environment who will challenge you and hold you to high standards. He may be stern with you but don’t be overly sensitive.

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How to be a good leader in tarot?

Put your emotions to the side. Logic is needed. Lead with your truth and integrity. Take command of the situation. The King of Swords is the tough as nails leader who goes into the battle without a second thought. Channel his energy. A straightforward approach is needed. Speak the unvarnished truth.