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What is a good viewer retention rate on YouTube?

What is a good viewer retention rate on YouTube?

The audience retention rate for a YouTube video shows how long viewers watch your video. An audience retention rate of over 30\% is usually an average. You should strive to 100\% as much as possible. Audience retention is one of the factors that YouTube’s algorithm looks at when ranking your video in search.

What is a good average view duration percentage?

between 50 to 60\%
On average, no pun intended, a good average view duration should be between 50 to 60\%. And videos with 70\% or higher are performing extremely well. So for example, if you have a video that’s one minute long, you’d want to shoot for an average view duration that was between 30 seconds to a minute.

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What is a good number of views on YouTube?

Views to Subscribers: How Well Are You Growing Your Channel? If your YouTube channel has 100,000 subscribers, then you should expect between 12-15,000 views per video. That’s an average ratio of views:subscribers = 14\%.

What is retention YouTube?

Audience Retention (sometimes referred to as “Viewer Retention”) is the average percentage of a YouTube video that people watch. Videos with high Audience Retention scores tend to have increased visibility on YouTube’s platform. In short: YouTube loves videos that keep people watching.

What percentage is good audience retention?

The best numbers average between 60 and 70 percent. A small travel channel produced by this company is 64 percent. For the sake of having any benchmark, it’s safe to say that a publisher should strive for an audience retention rate above 50 percent. Using 50 percent as the minimum is important for one other reason.

What is a unique viewer on YouTube?

In Your YouTube Analytics dashboard you will Unique viewers in Reach tab which basically means how many new viewers find your youtube channel and watch your youtube video. Unique Viewer: Anyone who find your YouTube Channel first time and Watch your videos first time then are counted as unique viewers.

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Does average view duration matter on YouTube?

For YouTube, average view duration is a little higher, with researching showing that most videos on the Google platform have an average view duration of about 50\% to 60\% of their length.

What audience retention is good?

Anywhere above 60\% is a really good Average Percentage Viewed. But I know you can get even closer to 100\% or beyond (you can go above 100\% if viewers are re-watching certain parts or the entire video).

What is a good audience retention rate on YouTube?

There isn’t an official benchmark for what a good audience retention rate is, but for the sake of having a benchmark, creators should always strive for an audience retention rate of above 50\%. this is what a good audience retention rate looks like on a video, constantly working on better quality videos. pic.twitter.com/p23BWyZkvx

How to increase YouTube viewer retention?

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to increase viewer retention is create higher quality videos and keep your viewers engaged. This should be your main goal as a quality YouTube video creator, and it will help with not only a higher retention rate but with every other aspect of promotion and growth.

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What is the average viewership rate for a YouTube channel?

In many cases, YouTube publishers say their average rate is below 50 percent, meaning that viewers quit watching their videos less than halfway through them. The best numbers average between 60 and 70 percent. A small travel channel produced by this company is 64 percent.

How can i Improve my YouTube presence?

To improve your YouTube presence, it’s important you don’t neglect your retention rate. YouTube is more engaging than other social media sites, because videos take time to watch. YouTube knows this, and rewards videos whose viewers watch start to finish.