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What is being natural?

What is being natural?

Adjective. natural, ingenuous, naive, unsophisticated, artless mean free from pretension or calculation. natural implies lacking artificiality and self-consciousness and having a spontaneousness suggesting the natural rather than the man-made world.

Is natural or unnatural?

Unnatural. Definition: Things that are natural are seen as untouched by humans and have business being where they are. Unnatural on the other hand is when humans change the environment in ways that benefit them.

What is natural and unnatural to you?

Can nature be replaced?

Yes, technological nature is an alternative when our access to nature is limited or non-existent. But we shouldn’t view technological nature as a replacement for nature itself. Professor Kahn says technological nature is better than nothing, but is not good as actual nature.

Is everything in nature natural?

Yes, everything is of the nature, natural. On the other hand, the mind can create supernatural substances like religion and metaphysical ideology that don’t exist in the nature. We call it dreaming, vision or hallucination.

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Who is the owner of everything natural?

I’m Brenda M. Montrella , N.D., NDCNC, CNHP your doctor of naturopathy and owner of Everything Natural – Store and Everything Natural – Wellness Center in Altoona, Pa. I opened Everything Natural in… All Supplements Are Not Created Equal!

Is the human mind a product of nature?

The brain and human mind is a product of the nature as we know it. Yes, everything is of the nature, natural. On the other hand, the mind can create supernatural substances like religion and metaphysical ideology that don’t exist in the nature. We call it dreaming, vision or hallucination.

What is the meaning of natural?

Natural means pertaining to its state as in within nature. The only way to meaningfully describe nature as being separate from anything else is to define a boundary, and this situation generally draws the boundary at human intervention.
