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What is the 40 60 rule apex?

What is the 40 60 rule apex?

If a rating system is appropriate for less than 40\% of the gross floor area of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should not be used. If a rating system is appropriate for more than 60\% of the gross floor area of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should be used.

How do I get better at gunfights in Apex?

Position, position, position. Positioning is key during any fight. Stay in one place for too long, and you’re asking for a swift squad wipe. If you’re in a firefight, and you come out on top, reposition when your opponent is hiding to heal.

Who is the best Apex legend?

Apex LEgends tier list

Tier Legends
Top tier Ash, Bloodhound
A-tier Wraith, Lifeline, Gibraltar, Caustic, Seer
B-tier Octane, Pathfinder, Horizon, Valkyrie, Wattson, Rampart, Loba
C-tier Revenant, Bangalore, Crypto, Fuse
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Do bullets slow in Apex?

All ammo types in Apex Legends slow you the same amount. No matter what ammo type you use, hitting an enemy will slow them down by 10\% for 0.25 seconds.

What does heavy ammo do in Apex?

Icon for Heavy Rounds Weapons that use Heavy Rounds tend to deal more damage per round but fires slower and have more bullet drop compared to weapons in its class that use other types of ammo.

Do headshots matter in Apex Legends?

A head shot multiplayer takes the weapons base damage, and multiplies it when you get a head shot. Most, not all, of the weapons in Apex Legends have a 2X head shot multiplier. As you can see the Kraber and Mastiff can do massive amounts of damage compared to the other weapons in their respective categories.

Will apex get new maps?

APEX LEGENDS NEW MAP RELEASE DATE The new Apex Legends map, Storm Point, will come out on November 2, 2021 with the launch of Season 11: Escape.

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How do I get better at Apex Legends?

Probably the most important thing you can do for yourself to instantly improve at Apex Legends is to mess with your sensitivity settings.

What is time-to-kill in Apex Legends?

Time-to-kill in Apex Legends also means that usually, you’re not going to kill an enemy with your first magazine, unless you happen to hit the person with all of it. Most of the time, you’ll need to reload and keep firing to take an enemy down.

How do I win more firefights?

There are lots of things you can do to win more firefights, though. Knowing how much damage you’re doing to enemies, putting yourself in good positions, and making sure you’re only entering engagements you’re likely to win will help you reduce your deaths and land more spots in the top three.

What is the best way to use guns in a fight?

Use your first gun–your favorite assault rifle or automatic, say–to knock out an enemy’s body shields or injure them some. Then switch to your second gun to finish the enemy off, using something powerful like a Peacekeeper shotgun or a Wingman hand cannon that does a ton of damage with one blast.