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What is the age difference between Jennie and Gdragon?

What is the age difference between Jennie and Gdragon?

Born on January 16, 1996, Jennie Kim is 25 years old at present, while her beau G-Dragon is 32. The two have an age gap of eight years. While both are consenting adults in a mutually committed relationship, some fans took to social media to express their disapproval at the age gap.

How old was G-Dragon when he met Jennie?

Jennie and G-Dragon were first seen on-screen together for the latter’s “That XX” music video. It was released in 2012, and at that time, Jennie was around 16 years old, while G-Dragon was around 24.

What is the age of G-Dragon?

33 years (August 18, 1988)

Are Blackpink’s Jennie and G-Dragon dating?

BLACKPINK’s Jennie and G-Dragon are dating! Dispatch reported BLACKPINK ‘s Jennie and Big Bang ‘s G-Dragon are dating. On February 24th, media outlet Dispatch reported Jennie (24) and G-Dragon (32) have been in a relationship for a year.

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How did Jennie and G-Dragon Meet?

Jennie had a routine date, visiting G-Dragon right after BLACKPINK’s schedule. Their relationship was public, at least within YG Entertainment. Jennie’s manager dropped Jennie off at G-Dragon’s house and picked her up after the date. Sometimes G-Dragon’s manager gave her a ride instead.

What is the age gap between G-Dragon and Jennie Kim?

Born on January 16, 1996, Jennie Kim is 25 years old at present, while her beau G-Dragon is 32. The two have an age gap of eight years. While both are consenting adults in a mutually committed relationship, some fans took to social media to express their disapproval at the age gap.

Are GD and Blackpink’s GD in a relationship?

The two who are both YG artists then boasted a healthy relationship as seniors and juniors, and GD even proves this by appearing occasionally on BLACKPINK SNS live broadcasts after being discharged in the military.

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