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What is the difference between a concrete and and an abstract class?

What is the difference between a concrete and and an abstract class?

An abstract class is a class declared with an abstract keyword which is a collection of abstract and non-abstract methods while a concrete class is a class that allows creating an instance or an object using the new keyword. Thus, this is the main difference between abstract class and concrete class.

Which of the following is true about a concrete subclass?

A concrete subclass cannot implement any additional interfaces. A concrete subclass must implement all inherited abstract methods. Concrete subclasses can only extend one abstract superclass. A concrete subclass can be declared as abstract.

What is a concrete method?

A concrete method means, the method has complete definition but it can be overridden in the inherited class. If we make this method “final” then it can not be overriden. Declaring a method or class “final” means its implementation is complete.

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What is a concrete class in C++?

In C++ an abstract class is one which defines an interface, but does not necessarily provide implementations for all its member functions. A derived class that implements all the missing functionality is called a concrete class .

Is concrete class and class are same?

A concrete class is a subclass of an abstract class, which implements all its abstract method. Abstract methods cannot have body. Abstract class can have static fields and static method, like other classes. An abstract class cannot be declared as final.

What does a concrete class not have?

A concrete class is a class that has an implementation for all of its methods. They cannot have any unimplemented methods. It is a complete class and can be instantiated. In other words, we can say that any class which is not abstract is a concrete class.

Can concrete class be inherited?

A concrete class can only have concrete methods. Even a single abstract method makes the class abstract. Abstract class can inherit another class using extends keyword and implement an interface. Interface can inherit only an inteface.

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What is concrete subclass in Java?

Concrete Class: A concrete class in Java is a type of subclass, which implements all the abstract method of its super abstract class which it extends to. It also has implementations of all methods of interfaces it implements.

What is abstract and concrete method?

Abstract methods are those which need to be implemented in subclass/child class. A method which is not abstract i.e. if a methods definition is given in the same class its declared is called concrete.

What are the classes of concrete?

A concrete class is the class that has the implentaion of an interface. A concrete subclass on the other hand has the implementation of an abstract superclass that is extended. Both the interface and abstract superclass has method defnintions which are then implemented in their concrete classes.

What is Class C concrete?

Class C Cement Class C well cement is a general purpose hydraulic oil well cement for multiple petroleum well applications and is suitable for use at depths of up to 6,000 feet when conditions require high early-strength and moderate sulfate resistance.

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A concrete class is a class that has an implementation for all of its methods. They cannot have any unimplemented methods. It can also extend an abstract class or implement an interface as long as it implements all their methods. It is a complete class and can be instantiated.

What is a concrete class in Java?

Concrete class in Java is the default class and is a derived class that provides the basic implementations for all of the methods that are not already implemented in the base class.
