
What is unrealistic worrying?

What is unrealistic worrying?

Sometimes people with this condition just worry, but they are unable to say what they are worried about. They report feelings that something bad may happen or that they just can’t calm themselves. This excessive, unrealistic worry can be frightening and can interfere with relationships and daily activities.

What mental illness causes excessive worrying?

Generalized anxiety disorder includes persistent and excessive anxiety and worry about activities or events — even ordinary, routine issues. The worry is out of proportion to the actual circumstance, is difficult to control and affects how you feel physically.

Why do some people worry about everything?

They worry about everything, no matter how unreal the perceived threat seems to be. They have a Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This type of anxiety is not adaptive. It doesn’t warn you about anything specific, so that you have no way to put an end to how you feel.

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How can I stop worrying about something that is not realistic?

Use a coping skill and move on. When your worries are about something that’s very unlikely to happen, or if you’re disproportionately worried about something relatively small, your anxiety is considered irrational. (“Irrational” is another word for “not realistic.”)

What are positive and negative beliefs about worrying?

While negative beliefs, or worrying about worrying, adds to your anxiety and keeps worry going, positive beliefs about worrying can be just as damaging. Positive beliefs about worry. You may believe that your worrying helps you avoid bad things, prevents problems, prepares you for the worst, or leads to solutions.

What does it mean when your fears are irrational?

(“Irrational” is another word for “not realistic.”) Sometimes, when people realize their fears are irrational, they stop worrying about those things. But this doesn’t always happen, especially if you have an anxiety disorder. If you think you might have an anxiety disorder, take a mental health screen to find out whether that’s likely.