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What jobs can you work with a bad back?

What jobs can you work with a bad back?

Ideal Jobs for People Suffering from Back Pain

  1. Content writer. Many companies need good writers who can develop content for their blogs, websites, social media accounts and newsletters.
  2. Office job.
  3. Customer service representative.
  4. Tech worker.
  5. Accountant.
  6. Sales representative.
  7. Self-employment.
  8. Home school teacher.

Can you work with chronic back pain?

Staying active while protecting your back may help keep your pain from becoming chronic. If your work involves a lot of sitting, standing, or lifting, you may need to change the way you do your job. But getting back to work and other activities may actually help you get better.

Which 3 occupations tend to have a higher level of back disorders?

Below is a summary of the top 10 jobs that cause back pain.

  • Drivers. This is surprising to some but driving positions are the top jobs that cause back pain.
  • Construction Workers.
  • Nurses & Healthcare Providers.
  • Office Workers.
  • Manual Laborers.
  • Dentists & Dental Hygienists.
  • Warehouse & Distribution Workers.
  • Auto Mechanics.
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What profession helps back pain?

Therapists specializing in physical therapy (PT) can help treat people with back conditions. Physical rehabilitation is part of most back pain treatment plans. Other specialists who may also provide physical therapy as a core part of their practice include orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and physiatrists.

Is a bad back a disability?

It is one of the most common disability claims. Social Security approves only the most severe cases of back pain. Likewise, they only approve back claims that have objective medical evidence of disability. Most people who apply for disability due to back pain have already undergone surgery.

How can I make money with a bad back?

Creative Ways to Generate Income While Injured

  1. Sell Some Of Your Belongings Online. Depending on your injury, doing anything physical to earn extra money can be challenging.
  2. Sell Crafts On Etsy.
  3. Become A Freelancer.
  4. Become A Driver.
  5. Rent Out Your Driveway.
  6. Rent A Room.
  7. Get Websites To Pay You.
  8. Become A Pet Sitter.
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Can I call in sick with a bad back?

Bad back pain. __You may feel like a wimp calling in sick because your back hurts, but don’t! Experts say sitting at a desk all day can actually aggravate your back and make the pain worse. Instead, after a mega back spasm, spend the day at home taking it easy.

What group of workers have the highest number of back injuries?

Two occupations lead the list of jobs placing workers at highest risk for neck and back injury; construction and nursing home workers, including nurses. Workers in both settings share the tendency to underreport work-related injuries.

Should I go to work with a bad back?

Dealing with back pain Sometimes the pain can make you miserable but you should still take control of the pain. In the early stages: avoid bed rest – prolonged bed rest is harmful. stay active (including work) – your back is designed for movement so the sooner you start doing your ordinary activities the better.

What are the best jobs for people with chronic lower back pain?

Telecommuting is ideal for chronic pain, because you can work lying down if you have to. Also you can medicate past the point you could drive. The best jobs for people with Chronic Lower back pain are Tour guides where you walk around one large area rather than on and off a bus all day.

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Should I go back to work with chronic back pain?

Many people with chronic back pain want to return to work or must continue working to pay their bills. They need to find jobs that are easy on the back because working with chronic pain is very stressful.

Is teaching a good career for people with back problems?

If you have a subject you can teach about, a lecturer position is a considerable career for back problems. When you contemplate teaching, think beyond the active elementary school teacher position, which would require too much bending and lifting for significant back pain.

Is accounting a good career for people with back pain?

Accountants are required to do a lot of computer and desk work. This is an excellent career choice for people with back pain because they have plenty of opportunities to stand up, walk around the office, and stretch. There is no strenuous activity required.