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What percentage of Punjabis are vegetarian?

What percentage of Punjabis are vegetarian?

According to a 2018 survey released by the registrar general of India, Rajasthan (74.9\%), Haryana (69.25\%), Punjab (66.75\%), and Gujarat (60.95\%) have the highest percentage of vegetarians, followed by Madhya Pradesh (50.6\%), Uttar Pradesh (47.1\%), Maharashtra (40.2\%), Delhi (39.5\%), Jammu & Kashmir (31.45\%).

What percent of Indian food is vegetarian?

Past “non-serious” estimates have suggested that more than a third of Indians ate vegetarian food. If you go by three large-scale government surveys, 23\%-37\% of Indians are estimated to be vegetarian.

Do Hindu Punjabis eat meat?

The majority of Sikhs do eat meat and a significant minority of Hindu Punjabis also eat meat. However unlike Muslim Punjabis where it seems like every meal is meat heavy amongst Hindu and Sikh Punjabis the consumption of meat is more occasional i.e. one maybe two meal a day for 4 or 5 days in the week.

Do non-vegetarian Punjabi people in India eat meat?

There are very few homes where non-vegetarian dishes are cooked everyday unlike in Bengal where Bengalis have non-veg almost every day (I have lived in Kolkata for the better part of my life so I know). So even non- vegetarian punjabis consumed little meat compared to other non – vegetarian people.

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Do Hindus eat non-vegetarian food?

Punjabi Hindus are predominantly vegetarian but there a quite a few people who eat non-vegetarian food especially in the younger generation. If you are interested in history, traditionally Punjabi Hindus refrained from consuming meat and poultry. Slowly the men started met consumption while women remained largely vegetarian.

Are Punjabi Brahmins supposed to be vegetarian?

Punjabi Brahmins like Brahmins in most other communities are supposed to be vegetarian but now a days many have started consuming non-veg. I am a Punjabi Saraswat Brahmin but I am a non-vegetarian and so is my dad and even most of my relatives. But the majority in my grand parent’s generation were/are vegetarian.

How many vegetarians are there in India?

Taking all this into account, say the researchers, only about 20\% of Indians are actually vegetarian – much lower than common claims and stereotypes suggest. Hindus, who make up 80\% of the Indian population, are major meat-eaters. Even only a third of the privileged, upper-caste Indians are vegetarian.