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What was Agatha Harkness goal in WandaVision?

What was Agatha Harkness goal in WandaVision?

10 Harkness Betrayed Her Own Kind In New Salem Over time, Agatha became the grande dame of this group and eventually turned over various witches to the witch-killing authorities. She did this undercover, while her main goal was to rid New Salem of the weaker witches to make her coven even stronger.

Why does Agatha want Wanda?

She wanted to control Wanda’s power for herself. This is an interesting twist given what we know from the comics. Historically, Agatha has been a force for good in Wanda’s life. Or at least she has worked her magic from a place of care.

Who is Agatha supposed to be in Wanda?

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Portrayed by. Agatha Harkness is a witch from Salem, Massachusetts, who was accused of practicing dark magic by her own coven during the Salem witch trials. Over three hundred years later, she sensed the presence of chaos magic radiating from the Westview Anomaly created by Wanda Maximoff.

Why does Agatha Called Wanda Scarlet Witch?

Pietro adopts the codename Quicksilver, while Wanda assumes the name Scarlet Witch. Initially, it is indicated she gets the name from an accusation shouted by a person hoping to burn her at the stake.

What happens to Agatha in WandaVision?

“WandaVision” ended with Wanda/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) permanently trapping Agatha in Westview as the latter’s sitcom alter ego, the nosy neighbor Agnes. While Hahn is comfortable with Agatha’s fate, that’s not to say it’s the fate she would have preferred for the character.

Why is it called WandaVision?

Firstly, the sitcom “WandaVision” is the show Doctor Darcy Lewis discovers in the cosmic microwave background radiation. So WandaVision is literally a show that exists in the MCU. The other way of explaining the title is that it is Wanda’s Vision, her dead lover, and her idealistic vision of the world.

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What happened to the other witch in WandaVision?

The finale offered a conclusion to Wanda’s tale of grief and reconciliation. Wanda assumed the mantle of Scarlet Witch for the first time and grew even more powerful than before. She realized she had to destroy the Hex and free the townspeople of Westview. And she said goodbye to her one true love, Vision—for now.