Tips and tricks

When you unblock someone on Messenger Can you see old messages?

When you unblock someone on Messenger Can you see old messages?

No, you will receieve the messages only after you unblock them and messages sent after unblocking. You may still have the conversation history with that person, if you didn’t deleted the same. When you block someone-neither the person nor you can send a message on messanger until you unblock them.

Why does last active time disappeared on messenger?

– Quora. I noticed that if a friend did not log into their account for more than 48 hours, the last active disappears. Sometimes it’s your setting sometimes its 5heirs. Most people on mine will show if they’ve been active and when if it was in last 24 hours.

Why can’t I message someone on messenger after I unblocked them?

If you’ve followed the steps above but the ‘Unblock Messages and Calls’ button is greyed out, it is because you’ve blocked them on Facebook and not just their messages and calls. You can tap on the ‘Unblock on Facebook’ option to begin communicating with the other person again.

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How do you know if someone has turned off Chat for you on Facebook?

How to Know Someone Turned off You from their Chat on FB?

  1. Open the chat window of your friend whom you suspect is online, but appears offline to you.
  2. Send a message.
  3. If he or she is online you can see the last seen message after a few seconds below your message.

Can you see someone’s messages after you unblock them?

Text messages (SMS, MMS, iMessage) from blocked contacts (numbers or email addresses) do not appear anywhere on your device. Unblocking the contact does NOT show any messages sent to you when it was blocked.

Why can’t I see when someone was last active on Facebook Messenger?

The first reason is that the person turned off their “Active Status”. This is the most common reason why you can’t see when someone was last active on Facebook Messenger. Facebook has a privacy feature that allows you to hide your active status.

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What happens when you get blocked on Facebook Messenger?

If you’re blocked on Facebook Messenger, you won’t be able to see the person’s “Last Active” status. In addition, the person won’t receive any messages or calls from you. To prove this theory, I conducted a test using two Facebook accounts:

Can someone see my status on Messenger If I unblocked them?

The person will not be able to see your status as well. Secondly, if the person blocked you on Messenger, their “Last Active” status will no longer be shown to you. The status will only show if they unblocked you.

Why can’t I see someone’s status on Facebook?

It could also mean that the person has not been on Facebook for a long time (more than 24 hours). If the person turned off their “Last Active” status, you won’t be able to see it. The person will not be able to see your status as well.