
Who can defeat sentry in Marvel?

Who can defeat sentry in Marvel?

Orion is one of the New Gods, meaning he outclasses the Sentry on a powerful level. Plus, he can stand toe to toe with Darkseid and will one day kill the Dread Lord of Apokolips according to prophecy. Anything the Sentry, or the Void for that matter, can throw at him, Orion can handle and give it back a hundredfold.

Who has killed sentry?

The Sentry was killed by Morgana Le Fay in Dark Avengers #2. 4. The Molecule Man pulled a repeat performance killing The Sentry a second time in Dark Avengers #11, after claiming that the two ‘could have been friends’.

Has Hulk defeated sentry?

While initially reluctant to join the fight, he later came to put an end to the Hulk’s rampage. Their powers proved to be very even and the fight resulted in the Hulk turning into human form and The Sentry very drained. The fight concluded in Banner punching Robert in his weakened state, unexpectedly winning the fight.

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Who is stronger than sentry in Marvel?

The Hulk has often been considered the strongest Avenger, but the Sentry challenged the Green Goliath during one epic battle in World War Hulk. Hulk stronger. Sentry more powerful. Hulk wins though as his powers are not as prone to fluctuating under duress.

Who can defeat a sentry without void?

Although sentry without Void can be defeated by World Breaker Hulk, Godforce Thor, Blue Marvel and Adam Warlock. If you talk about superheros with cosmic powers or reality altering powers, many can defeat sentry even with void unleashed.

Did Punisher defeat the Sentry?

While Frank didn’t exactly defeat the Sentry, he was successfully able to hold off one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe for long enough to get away. In hindsight, Punisher stopped Sentry from achieving his goal, making it a win for The Punisher in a manner of speaking.

What is sentry’s weak point?

· Sentry’s weak point is his mental instability. Ghost Rider’s invulnerability to any and all damage (that isn’t holy or demonic), near instantaneous regeneration, and since Sentry is FAR from innocent (because of the Void personality), his Penance Stare should do the trick.

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Who is the Sentry in the Sentry?

Middle aged, overweight Bob Reynolds remembers that he is the Sentry, a superhero whose “power of one million exploding suns” derives from a special serum. Realizing that his archenimy the Void is returning, Reynolds seeks out several prominent Marvel characters to warn them and to discover why no one remembers the Sentry.