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Who was best fighter in Game of Thrones?

Who was best fighter in Game of Thrones?

The 10 Best Fighters on ‘Game of Thrones’

  1. Jaime Lannister. When it all comes down to it, we believe Jaime Lannister is (or was) the strongest fighter in the Game of Thrones world.
  2. Gregor Clegane.
  3. Sandor Clegane.
  4. Ser Arthur Dayne.
  5. Oberyn Martell.
  6. Stannis Baratheon.
  7. Bronn.
  8. Brienne of Tarth.

Who is the greatest fighter in Westeros?

  • Sandor Clegane a.k.a. The Hound.
  • Ser Barristan Selmy.
  • Syrio Forel.
  • Loras Tyrell.
  • Brynden “Blackfish” Tully.
  • Qhorin Halfhand.
  • Beric Dondarrion.
  • Tormund Giantsbane. Discipline and skill may be prized in warriors throughout the Seven Kingdoms but north of The Wall, strength is key.

Who was the best knight in Westeros?

1 Arthur Dayne It doesn’t matter if he’s dead; he was always known as the best sword fighter in Westeros, so he’s staying at the top of the list! Hailing from Dorne, he was a member of Aerys II’s Kingsguard and the man to knight Jaime Lannister.

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Who is Ser Gregor Clegane in Game of Thrones?

Ser Gregor Clegane was a knight of House Clegane, the older brother of Sandor Clegane, and a notoriously fearsome, extremely lethal and much-feared warrior, with a tendency toward extreme and excessive violence. Due to his incredibly massive size, he is called ” The Mountain That Rides ” or more often simply ” The Mountain.”

Was the Hound right about Sandor Clegane?

It turns out the Hound was right when he predicted back in season 4 that “they’ll both be dead come winter” We see some of the aftermath of Clegane’s actions in this scene, as Sandor clearly exhibits a feeling of sadness and guilt.

What happened to Sandor Clegane’s servants?

Numerous servants have gone missing at the Clegane keep over the years, apparently killed by Gregor for minor slights in one of his infamous fits of rage, and their deaths then covered up. Gregor’s own father and sister died under dubious circumstances as well, and Sandor thinks that Gregor may have killed them as well.

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How did Gregor Clegane die in the books?

Gregor was later killed by and alongside Sandor when they dueled during the Battle of King’s Landing, but not before killing Qyburn. Ser Gregor Clegane was the head of House Clegane, a knightly house from the Westerlands, and the elder brother of Sandor Clegane.