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Why are blue eyes seen as attractive?

Why are blue eyes seen as attractive?

It doesn’t confer any evolutionary advantage … except that it gets him more mates.” Blue eyes reflect light more easily than brown, giving then the shine which perhaps makes them more attractive.

How rare are blue and green eyes?

Part of the reason they hold our attention is because they are extremely rare. While the science is somewhat scattered, the current research suggests that only around 3-5\% of the human population has true blue green eyes. That’s pretty amazing when you consider there’s over 7 billion people on the planet.

Are blue eyes more attractive than brown eyes?

And while a lot of people might not agree with this at first, there’s a new report that says people with blue eyes are more attractive than their brown-eyed counterparts. And yes, science does have something to do with the findings. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and apparently things always come up looking blue.

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Do green eyes make you more sensitive to light?

Additionally, those with green eyes may also experience light sensitivity. Although people with green eyes have more melanin than those with blue, anyone with “light-colored irises do tend to be more light-sensitive,” Williams explained.

Are green eyes a sign of Love in a relationship?

People with green eyes are the perfect blend of civilized, nurturing qualities and raw, unbridled animal instinct, between unconditional love and raw lust, between calm and passion. As such, your sexual partner needs to be a saint on the streets and a devil in the sheets.

Are brown eyes more common than green eyes in the UK?

According to a study of over 12,000 people conducted by ScotlandsDNA (via The Herald ), brown eyes are rarer than green in Britain, despite the fact that brown eyes make up much of the world’s population. Although we may label people’s eyes as “green,” no one actually has green eyes. That is, irises only appear to be that color.